₉. humans are made of atoms

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two of my friends stopped talking to their bestfriends. it's been months. even their names distaste them. it just does not sit right with me. how can you let someone just evaporate from your life? and how does that not leave a stain? even the zinc that rusts iron sits on the place it was lifted from. they are atoms! humans are made of atoms, then how is it that we lose the humane nature when we are molded into humans? shouldn't humans confide more human nature like memories, love, friendship and occasionally a heartbreak? how can you let the heartbreak aside? the friendships in a dumpster can? the memories as if they were non-existent. we often leave the proofs that we are mere atoms. our friendships decompose, our memories are cities decayed. and thus, my friends forget their bestfriends. they were just atoms collided in a dead timeline. now, their life is in a different venn diagram where the largest percentage is present. and i don't blame them for it is never right to live with names of dead people and dead moments.

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