However, her throat, parched from days of not being able to drink water due to being unconscious, betrays her and she succumbs to a bout of violent coughing. Maya's mother, filled with concern, rushes to her daughter's side. She quickly retrieves the fallen water bottle and gently brings it to Maya's lips, assisting her in drinking the refreshing water.

Maya signals to her mother, Mrs. Khanna, when she has quenched her thirst, indicating that she is content and ready for her mother to gently remove the bottle from her lips.

Now that she felt that her parched throat felt soothed, she scans the room and sees concerned faces looking at her. In this moment, she can't help but feel guilty for getting hurt so badly. It's as if her presence in this state has become a burden to those around her. She wonders if she could have done something differently to prevent this. Her mind starts retracing the events that led to her getting injured. She longs to reassure them that she's alright and that they shouldn't blame themselves for what happened. Maya takes a deep breath, trying to shake off the weight of guilt and remind herself that accidents do happen, regardless of one's intentions.

The doctor checked her to make sure everything was ok. After confirming that she was now perfectly fine and healthy except for her one broken arm and leg, the doctor left the ward. Maya then asks about the events that led to her being in the hospital ward.

Maya: I can't remember anything clearly. Can someone please tell me what happened that landed me in this hospital ward?

Dhiraj shares that she had suddenly sprinted towards a stranger who was in the path of an uncontrollably speeding truck.

Dhiraj: Maya, it was quite a courageous act on your part. You suddenly sprinted towards a stranger who was about to be hit by a speeding truck. Without hesitation, you pushed him out of harm's way, saving his life. Unfortunately, you got injured in the process. The stranger, grateful and concerned, immediately brought you to the hospital.

Maya: Really? I did that? I don't remember anything about it. Who was the stranger?

Dhiraj: It turns out that the stranger was actually a friend of mine. He was truly grateful for your bravery and immediately brought you to the hospital. I was shocked when I heard about the accident.

Maya: I can't believe I did something like that. Thank goodness the stranger was there, and he happened to be your friend. Otherwise, who knows what could have happened?

Dhiraj: Yes, it was definitely fortunate that he was there at the right time. As soon as I heard about the accident, I contacted your parents to inform them about the situation.

Maya: Thank you, Dhiraj, for being there for me in this difficult time. I appreciate your quick actions and support. I hope I can recover soon.

Dhiraj: You don't need to thank me, Maya. We're friends, and supporting each other is what friends do. Focus on your recovery now.

Maya looked at the stranger, who was staring at her very intently. She mustered a smile and expressed her gratitude.

Maya: (looking at the stranger) Thank you so much for bringing me to the hospital and helping me. I can't express how grateful I am for your support. The medical attention I received here is truly invaluable.

Dhananjay: (staring intently at Maya) It was the least I could do. You saved my life when I was involved in that terrible truck accident. You risked your own safety to help me, and I can never repay that debt.

Maya: I didn't remember saving anyone from an accident. In fact, I don't even know who you are. Dhananjay: (smiling) I understand. It all happened so fast. My name is Dhananjay Rathore, the owner of Rathore Industries. I was passing by when I suddenly noticed the truck speeding towards me, and you selflessly came to my rescue.

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