"I know right bitch, one of his bitches need to do a story time" She said seriously.

"You are crazy Jas I swear" I said laughing at her. She always says the most off the wall shit.

I heard something move from the other side of the kitchen where the entrance to the living room was. I squinted my eyes trying to see into the darkness. I grabbed my phone flashing some light trying to see if I could see anything but saw nothing so didn't think too much on it.

"But girl ye-" Jasmyn started but was cut off when my phone suddenly died making the black screen appear.

"Fuckkkkk" I dragged out frustrated even though it was my own fault.

I grabbed the rest of the grapes closing the container and walking over to the fridge. I put them back in place before closing it and turning back to the counter.

"What the fuck" I stood confused looking at the spot where my phone previously sat seeing it gone.

I looked around the kitchen for it not seeing it anywhere. I even checked the fridge thinking I may have put left it there when I put the grapes back.

"This what you want" A voice called out behind me making my heart drop to my ass and my blood run cold.

I almost couldn't breathe I was so scared to turn around. I could feel my heart racing and my breath get caught in my throat. I slowly turned not knowing what was waiting for me when I did.

I turned to see a tall figure standing in the entrance of the kitchen holding my phone up. I didn't miss the gun that was sitting in their other hand either.

"Oh my God" I breathed out not believing this was happening right now.

"Who are you" I muttered trying to see them better but the darkness and the ski mask they were wearing prevented that a great deal.

"Not important" He spoke again.

His voice was so deep and dark it scared me even more. His height didn't help my fear either.

"What do you want" I asked trying to see what his motive was.

"Everything you got in this bitch" He stated making my stomach turn.

"Please, if you leave right now I swear I won't say anything to anybody" I tried to bargain.

"That ain't how this shit work" He responded nonchalantly.

"Now, come show me where all yo shit at" He demanded but I stayed planted in my spot to afraid to move.

"Now" He raised his gun pointing it at me making me jump and quickly walk towards him.

I walked pass him out of the kitchen going towards the stairs. He followed behind me slowly with the gun aimed at my back.

I led him upstairs and to my room where I kept most of my valuable possessions.

"You can take anything you want, just please don't hurt me" I begged.

"Put everything on the bed" He ignored me still pointing the gun at me.

I sighed and went around collecting the expensive things I held in my room and laying them on the bed. Once I was done I looked up at him waiting for his next order.

"Now the bathroom, ain't no closet in here so it gotta be in there" He spoke nodding to the bathroom door that was now shut.

I blinked and began walking towards the door before opening it. I switched the light on walking in until I got to my closet door. I opened it walking in a little and then turned around facing him.

𝐔𝐧𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now