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"and CAITLIN O'NIEL. god. what a character." Oliver looked down kissing his own teeth before continuing."she was a spectacular girl and such a beautiful young woman, Despite her life being the worst out of us all, she always managed to put a smile on others faces.'" His head tilted to the side, like a confused dog. He never did actually find out was was so terrible about her life but he had always been recommended not to ask.

"It really was a shock when i was informed that Felix loathed her, I mean, I always knew that there had been some flirting going on behind the scenes. i mean, we ALL knew. we had a bet that she would become your daughter in law" He let out a cough to clear his throat. before continuing his rant. "i never liked to think like that. them with each other, i mean.  its not like i was in love with her. either of them, but seeing them,,even imagining them together made and still does" Oliver let out a loud gulp-emphasizing the sickly feeling it gives him."I didn't know which one to be more jealous of. mostly cause they had each other till the end, they would always pick each other even if their hatred was still accompanying their souls. and no-one could change that."



Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


i just remembered about the intros from good ol' ollie boy so just thought to add this as a little fillerrr! till next time! 😝

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