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--- YOU DIED ---

Yes... You died...


For real.

No buttons to press that say 'Respawn' nor 'Quit'.


You take a good look at your body riddled with fresh wounds, scratches, and holes that you got from your dumbassery. Oddly enough, they don't seem to hurt...

'Yeah, no shit. I just died xD.' You facepalmed. You nearly forgot you just died...

Anyway, you examined your body once more. From your nonexistent legs that could not meet the floor, to your arms, and then to your hands. Your body looked as pale as the white snow, translucent.

Small particles of mist evaporate away from some random parts of your body, most especially from below your torso and the holes on your chest.

You kind of feel like you've become that one guy from a cartoon where he became a ghost by some accident. The difference being you, a full-time ghost, and him, a half ghost.


Damn... What dumbassery have you done for you to end up like this?

A'ight, let's recap. Prologue happened.

You followed along with the game's storyline of the prologue from chapter one until the part where you and the bois set out to get a magestone to save them from expulsion, and you and Grim from getting kicked out.

The same events happened afterward: found the abandoned house of the dwarves, went on the chase from some ghosts in the cave, found the magestone and the blot monster, and retreated.

Complacent that everything will turn out the same as the game, you decided to follow the storyline once more.

Although, you kind of snapped at the boys for being uncooperative at the time. Ever since you were isekaid here, you felt stressed out.

One trouble after another.

You had forgotten how troublesome the entire situation was in the prologue.

On your first blind gameplay, you felt nothing but pity and sympathy with everything that's happened to the MC in a short span of time.

But despite the characters' dumbassery and shenanigans that got the MC into trouble, you love them as characters. Each episode of the main story, side story, and any lore drop you could read, you grew to adore them.

Feeling bad about getting worked up, you apologized to Ace, Deuce, and Grim after persuading them to unite for once.

Back to the story, you and Grim lured the blot monster out of the cave, the boys smooshed dem with the power of magic, friendship, and violence, and got the magestone!


And another magestone, too! Probably?... It looked nearly similar to the other one we just got.

Double YEAYA!

You do not know how you found it, but you decided to keep it.

'Finders' keepers' as what people say. :D

Because you knew how "accommodating" bird man was, you planned on selling it, saving up secret funds for you and Grim. Probably to Mr. Sam????

And if we lost the other one, you could just give this stone instead.


Then, here comes the best part...

The blot monster was a lot more resilient than it was in the game... Despite it being near death's door, it still went after you and the boys.

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