Trust Issues

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Chapter 1

Hello, I'm Key Smith, and I'm a private investigator. I've come a long way in the last two years. I've gone from trying to solve domestic squabbles for low pay to the big leagues.

I've turned my hobby detective agency into an official company, Peep Dat Detective Agency. I also have 2 employees. My best friend since the first grade Al and my beautiful wife Renee. She showed me she had my back when I had that Shay Carter case. Shay Carter is in the quest for her "boyfriend" Pootie. See, Shay Carter had suspicions that her live-in boyfriend Pootie was cheating because he wasn't coming home. It turns out that Pootie wasn't cheating. Pootie was trying to get away from Shay.

He told me she was crazy and that he wanted out of the relationship, but shay just wouldn't take kick rocks as a hint, and every time he would leave, she would always find him. He finally figured out how to disappear, and that's when Shay hired me to find him. I eventually caught up with Pootie but it wasn't easy. This guy was slippery as an eel and aware of his surroundings. When I found him, he snuck up behind me and almost broke my neck. I ended up helping Pootie disappear after he let my neck go, and I explained to him I was hired by his girlfriend to track him down. Shay Carter asked me to kill him and said she would break me off a piece of his life insurance money. That's when I came up with a plan that would help me line my pockets and help Pootie disappear for good.

I pretended to abduct and kill him. I got a burnt John Doe body from the morgue for a visual, and Pootie was free. Shay Carter got revenge on her cheating man, and I got paid. I used the money to start my detective agency. I even gave Pootie a cut so he could disappear for good. My new client is Lisa Pringle. She has been married to her husband Michael for 22 years, but she believes that Micheal has a whole other family that he has been hiding for years.

She says that her husband is always talking to someone, but when she walks into the room, he is not on his phone, and there is no one else in the room. She has even overheard him saying, " I will bring home the groceries. Lisa gave me a warning. She said the last investigator who followed her husband disappeared. There was no sign he or his office even existed. All I could tell her was that danger was my middle name.

Me and my boy Al, we're from the hood streets of Chicago's Westside. We have literally faced danger every other day, and that was just coming home from school.

Key is in the car driving and he pulls up to this tech guy's shop. He gets out and walks into the tech shop.

Hey, what's up to Craig, Hey Key what's going on bro? Do you know why I'm here?

Yeah, yeah I got that right here for you.

Craig reaches underneath the counter and pulls out a tiny device. Key holds out his hand and Craig places the item in his hand.

This is the smallest tracking and bug device in the world, undetectable by any bug scans.

Key looks at the device in amazement then places the device in his pants pocket. What else have you got for me?

If you come back later I have this new project I have been working on just for you, truly one of a kind.

Key looks behind Craig and notices a guy walking into the back. Craig looks back to see what Key is looking at.

Who is that? Oh, him, that's just my new egghead Hector. Hector is almost as good as me. I bumped into him at a tech convention in Vegas. Don't worry he is down with the program.

Key is in the car driving and he pulls up to this tech guy's shop. He gets out and walks into the tech shop.

Hey, what's up to Craig, Hey Key what's going on bro? Do you know why I'm here?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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