Chapter 8: The Druid, the Bard, and the Three Ring Leaders

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"Gale, you inform the others," The ranger starts off. "We'll have to split up if we want to make sure everyone safely makes it back to the grove. Astarion and I will create a distraction with the goblins. We'll go after the priestess. I know stealth isn't your guys' area of expertise, but this will only work if you guys can sneak up on them. Break them off in small areas if you can. Get to Volo first, then Halsin. We'll meet you in the worg pens."

Gale nods in understanding, slightly concerned about her plan. "How are you going to distract them?"

A smirk creeps upon the elf's face - one that causes Astarion's stomach to knot. "With a little draconic chaos."

With those words, she pulls a wavy glass vial out of her backpack. She pops open the golden feather cork and swallows the viscous light blue liquid in one gulp with a wince. Suddenly, she feels lighter than air and gives the men behind her one last mischievous glance as she pulls out her bow and an arrow, jumping off the wooden beam. The men watch in horror, worried about her lack of sense in this situation.

Goddess. It's the only way to describe her as she descends gracefully to her feet. Time seems to slow as her curls flow behind her. She shouts her command to the snakes as they lunge off her arms to two of the goblins below her. The sharp, metal tip of her arrow glistens in the light emanating from the torches. The arrow wisps past the two goblins and pierces through the priestess' arm, decorating the ground in the crimson color of her blood. Delphie's silky green and gold split skirt blows in a nonexistent wind as her bare feet hit the cold, stone floor of the temple. The emerald orbs of her eyes shimmer as she looks down at the wretched creatures in disdain.

As another goblin runs after her with his ragged handaxe held high, she draws back another arrow. With one eye closed she aims at the goblin's head. Delphie watches as he immediately drops to the ground in the blood gushing from his forehead, the scimitar sliding across the stone floor. For a moment, the pale elf above her loses focus as he watches her effortlessly dodge multiple arrows. However, he also sees the animalistic look that she gradually gets in her eyes during heated battles. It only intensifies as the tip of one goblin's arrow grazes Vesper's back. The slight distraction allows one of the warlocks to cast a hex on the wood elf.

Astarion snaps out of his odd trance, realizing Gale has already left, and slides down the ladder, vanishing into the shadows. Before the goblins notice him, he strikes both of his daggers into the war drum they use as an alarm, alerting them of his presence. One of the goblins in front of him slashes at his arm with her filthy scimitar. He winces for a moment before gathering his footing. In response, he flashes his fangs at her as he drives both of his daggers into her abdomen, watching as the blood sprays once he removes them.

The goddess of an elf below him continues to fight the priestess. Delphie dodges one grimy hand of electric currents, twisting out of her reach with the grace of a dancer. However, she loses focus once again as Pax is slashed at. The priestess takes her chance and grasps the elf's bare arm, sending a current of electricity through her body. The ranger yelps out in pain and clutches her stomach, catching Astarion's attention. She pushes the priestess away from her, aiming another arrow in her direction. The priestess grins at her with rotting teeth as she dodges it, watching eagerly as the ranger clutches her abdomen, feeling the effects of the hex put on her.

Above her, Astarion finds the goblin concentrating on the hex. He stealthily disengages from both of the goblins flanking him and releases an arrow at the warlock. The arrow makes purchase, taking a chunk of flesh out of his arm, but the goblin manages to maintain his concentration on the hex. The pale elf grits his teeth, seeing the ranger continue to clutch her stomach as the priestess approaches her slowly. The distraction allows the two goblins behind him to sneak up on him, driving their blades across his back.

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