I quickly change before running downstairs to see Trina and Tori making hot chocolate. Mom and dad are normally at work for this so it's just the three of us. Trina hands me a hot chocolate before we gather round the tree.
"Ready?" Tori asks, holding some tinsel.
"Let's do it." I state with the lights in hand. Trina presses play on the music and we get to it.

After a few hours we successfully managed to decorate the tree to an acceptable standard. We went for a red and gold theme with the decorations which looks so good.

I grab my phone out and send Jade a picture of the tree before asking if she's put her tree up. Jade of course being the grinch hasn't.

Sunday rolls around and Jade comes round.
"I can't believe you haven't put up your tree yet." I mumble as I let her in.
"It's too early to put it up." She replies, following me upstairs to my room.
"When do you normally put it up?" I question, taking a seat on my bed as she follows.
"Like the 21st." She says. "Why's it such a big deal?" She asks.
"It's not, it just surprises me that not everyone loves Christmas as much as me, Tori and Trina." I explain.
"How many gifts did you buy?" Jade asks, looking around the room frowning slightly.
"A few." I smile. "It's gonna be hard to have to wait until Christmas to give you your gifts." I sigh. I love giving people things, sometimes it's my downfall.
"Gifts, multiple?" She questions.
"Multiple many." I reply with a smile. "You don't have to- get me lots, I mean. I just like to get stuff for people." I add, not wanting her to feel pressured to spend lots considering we've only been together for a few weeks.

We end up watching a Christmas movie downstairs with Trina and Tori. We take the bigger couch and I end up leaning my head against her with a blanket over us. I have a feeling that Jade doesn't love Christmas movies all that much, but she's made me sit through the scissoring a number of times.

It's the last day of school before Christmas break. There's a week until Christmas. WIth each day I'm getting more and more excited for it.

I walk with Jade towards her locker before 1st period.
"So, I was thinking that we could go to the mall this Saturday?" Jade questions as she focuses on the books in her locker.
"I'd like that!" I smile, holding my bag over my shoulder.
"I'll pick you up at 10?" She asks.
"Perfect." I reply, excited for it.

Saturday rolls around quickly and I get ready for Jade. I wear her hoodie that I haven't gotten around to giving back to her yet. I wear a skirt and some tights and then a pair of boots before waiting out in the living room for her.

After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door. I quickly get up from the couch and open the door.
"Hey!" I smile, pulling her in for a quick hug.
"Is that my hoodie?" Is the first thing she asks, returning the hug.
"Maybe." I reply, heading out the door and locking it behind me.

The drive to the mall was quick and sweet, Jade's hand resting on my thigh. Christmas music plays lowly in the background as we talk, enjoying the ride.

"So, where do you want to go?" Jade asks as we enter the mall, her hand slipping into mine. I freeze a little at first before holding it back and smiling up at her.
"Can we grab a coffee?" I ask, looking over at a stand.
"Of course." She smiles slightly, leading us over to the coffee stand. "Caramel latte?" She guesses and I nod in response. She orders the coffees and before I could even grab my purse she's already paid. I look up at her, my brows slightly furrowed. "What? Can't I treat my girlfriend?" She asks, causing me to smile.
"Thank you." I reply, leaning up and placing a kiss on her cheek.

Once we have our coffees we head into a few stores and look around for a while.
"This next store, I'm gonna need you to wait outside." Jade says as we walk.
"Why?" I question with a sigh.
"Just wait here." She says, kissing me on the cheek before heading inside. I take a seat on one of the benches nearby and wait for her to get back. A familiar voice comes from behind me making me turn. I see the back of a familiar head, Beck. He hasn't seen me, he's turned the opposite way. I listen to the phone call that he's having.
"I will get her back." He says to the person on the other end of the call. "I'm getting rid of the Vega girl." He says through gritted teeth. Just then I spot Jade with a bag in hand. I instantly rush over to her and pull her away and into the toilets.
"Y/n?" She questions. "What the hell was that about?" She adds,
"I just, uh, really needed to go and didn't want to go alone." I say quickly, heading into one of the stalls.
"You're acting weird, are you feeling okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah. Uh, are there any more places you wanna go to? I came here with Trina the other day so I'm ready to go when you are. Maybe we could go back to yours?" I ask, trying to get out of here as soon as possible. What the hell did he mean by 'get rid of the Vega girl'?
"Uh, sure." She sighs.

It's always been you | J.West x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now