ChapterFour | Lovely Poetry |

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It was now later in the night, dinner time, where everyone now sat in the dining hall for dinner, everyone spaced out so far around the table

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It was now later in the night, dinner time, where everyone now sat in the dining hall for dinner, everyone spaced out so far around the table.

Elspeth and Ser James both sat at each head of the table and then Venetia, Madeline and Felix sat in one side with Oliver, Farleigh and Pamela across from them.

As per the black tie rule for dinner, Madeline was sat gowned in a, as tight as can be, dark green emerald dress. Matched with a pair of black heels and lacey tights running up her legs, making them appear longer.

Her red hair styled loosely, parted to the side and then she had a stunning diamond necklace resting in her collarbones around her neck, and etched into it was Felix's name, a small hidden possession that only a looking eye would notice.

There was silence in the room, only the sounds of chewing and forks screeching against plates along with Pamela's chatter.

Poor Pamela, the woman wouldn't shut up, she'd so much to say but the way she'd talk would send anyone into an early grave and right now that person was Oliver.

"We met in rehab, so...He was just so lovely at first, and then all of his business partners started, sort of, falling out of windows", Pamela talked the ear off Oliver.

"Right", Oliver huffed. "Lucky escape", he didn't know how to reply, having not been properly listening at all.

His eyes drifting off across the table over to where Felix and Madeline sat, Felix having pulled her chair over to his so they were sat closer, the two now seeming to be playing a game of footsies, not at all paying attention.

"Mmm, I suppose so", Pamela agreed. "But he spoke Russian all the time and it just sounded so romantic", she continued in her very monotone voice. "And I don't know the Russian word for whore! So I, sort of, thought it sounded like lovely poetry."

When Pamela said lovely poetry, Madeline darted her eyes over to Felix who blushed at the feeling of her eyes in him, thinking of one lovely piece of poetry in particular.

Oliver, who was watching the two, witnessed the blushing and also had a slight feeling on which poetry they were both thinking of, feeling something twisting in his gut, his eyes darkening as he watched the two laugh while he was here stuck listening to Pamela.

"Yeah", Oliver brought his fork to his mouth, eating what was on it, now making eye contact with Felix who gave him an 'in sorry your sat next to Pamela' kind of look.

"Daddy always said I'd end up at the bottom of the Thames", Pamela thought back.

"So far so good!", Oliver cut in, hoping to hurry her on.

"I don't know what I'd do without Elspeth. She really saved me", Pamela told him.

"Don't bang on about it, Pamela darling. You know we're delighted to have you for however long it is you mean to stay", Elspeth said very quickly, taking a sip of her wine.

"Forever?", Farleigh threw out, letting his words drag on a bit, letting Pamela cut him off.

"Oh, no. No! I think I might have found somewhere-"", Pamela went to tell the family, being cut off eagerly by everyone who were more than delighted at the news.

"Oh, well done, darling!", Elspeth was the first to cut her off.

"Oh good!", Ser James remarked from where he was sat at the head of the table, this being the first time he'd spoke up during the tense dinner.

"Finally", Madeline whispered into Felix's ear, making him laugh and twitch slightly at the feeling of her breath hitting his lobe.

"Yeah. My cousin.....My cousin has a flat", Pamela stuttered, now being the center of attention at the family dinner.

Once again, Oliver looked to Felix this time at the word 'cousin', Felix giving a heated look with the twitch of his brow back when he caught Oliver looking between him and Madeline as Pamela spoke.

"Oh, that'll suit you very well, a nice little flat", Elspeth agreed, almost too nicely.

"It's more of a...bedsit really", Pamela said slightly hesitant, feeling ashamed.

"I loved living in a bedsit in my twenties", Elspeth cut in once more. "It's so freeing to live all in one room and much less cleaning to do", Elspeth went off in a frenzy. "Oh, but it'll be terrible when you're gone. How will I cope?", she said rhetorically.

"Well, I-I could stay for a little bit longer if-",
Pamela stammered being cut off again, a bit too quickly by Saltburns matriarch.

"Oh no, darling. No! You must be desperate to be rid of us and find your own place. I quite understand", Elspeth left no room for questions.

Pamela then quietening down and wishing for the ground to swallow her up whole in embarrassment at her desperation. Also feeling crushed at not being able to stay more at Saltburn.

It was like once you left Saltburn that it never really left you, that feeling festering until you got to be in its presence again, it had an everlasting effect, especially on the people that would never see it again.

Until the craving to be there eats them alive with madness.

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