Jeepers Creepers

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As the Reaper raced forward, an object hurtled over from where Jackson and Autumn had fled.

The Reaper steered his screeching horse to dodge the oncoming projectile.

It flew past the Reaper and Beatrix lunged to the side, narrowly avoiding the massive tree log that slammed down right next to her.

Someone had launched that log at the Reaper with an impressive amount of force.

"Shoot! Almost a bull's eye!"

Beatrix looked up and saw a blue skinned boy bouncing up and down with manic energy.

It was Holt, with Jackson's headphones snug over his ears. Beatrix could hear heavy metal blasting from them.

Beatrix was impressed by Jackson's quick thinking.

Holt whipped away through the trees, hoisting Autumn onto his back piggyback-style with much greater strength and speed than Jackson could have managed.

Holt's log-throwing had slowed the Reaper down for a moment, giving Beatrix a chance to come up with something to get them out of this—and there seemed to be only one option left.

She frantically ran a finger across her ashy, glowing right palm, tracing a symbol she'd already used that day.

Immediately, Astar materialized beside her, sprawled in the dirt, kicking his legs like he was trying to break free from someone's grip.

"—Let go of me you nasty old goblin!" Astar roared, then paused, realizing he wasn't on the floor of the creepateria kitchens anymore.

He looked over at Beatrix and his yellow eyes narrowed. He glared at her with the hellfire of a thousand suns. "Well look who's summoned me again—"

Beatrix pointed at the Reaper galloping off. "I know you're pissed but Autumn and Jackson are gonna die!"

Alert flashed on Astar's face, not completely comprehending what Beatrix meant. "Wait, what? Where are we?"

"In the woods! Obviously!"

"You mean we're outside the school?"


"Why in the hells—"

"You need to help Autumn and Jackson now! Or help me help them!"

At that, Astar stood and spread his wings. He reached out to Beatrix. "Grab onto me."

Beatrix seized his shoulder and he locked his arm around her waist.

With a powerful flap of his wings, they shot above the treetops. A blast of wind rushed past Beatrix's ears and she braced herself in the crook of his neck, shielding her face from the onslaught of sharp pine needles and leaves that whipped past as they ascended.

The ground blurred beneath them, and Beatrix's heart pounded in sync with the furious beats of Astar's wings.

In seconds, they soared directly above the Reaper, who had poised his staff to swing at Autumn and Holt.

Astar dove back down and forcefully shoved the Reaper off the horse with his free hand.

The Reaper crashed to the ground and collided with the base of a tree.

His horse, now riderless, screeched and bolted into another part of the forest alone.

Touching down, Astar released Beatrix. "Go with the others," he told her.

"Wait! I'm out of fire magic." Beatrix held up her glowing yellow palms.

Astar suddenly dug a devil talon into his skin and nicked his own forearm. His focus remained on the Reaper still recovering from the fall.

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