"You just said he is not human," Nick stated, "Which implies that he is a weapon, a weapon that was supposed to be used against us."

Reed would cross his arms as he would narrow his eyes at Fury, "A lot of people say and treat mutants the same," he pointed out. "Except Shotaro isn't a soldier, he doesn't want to kill anyone."

"He already has."

"He was turned into a soldier against his will, he didn't ask for this," Reed countered before he slammed his hand against the table, "Just like myself, Susan Storm, Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm, Bruce Banner, and Luke Cage," he pointed out as he leaned forward. "Let him make his choice, if he wants to live a semi normal life, let him. If he wants to be a hero, then let him. Don't force him or you'll deal with the X-Men and the Fantastic Four."

"I'm normally against violence and rather stick to scientific duties but I agree with Doctor Richards," Hank reasoned before looking at Nick. "Let him go."

Nick narrowed his eye at the two before he nodded at them. "Fine, he can live his life but once he becomes dangerous," he said as he turned around to look at the clouds. "Your teams are responsible to take him out," he said as the two would turn and leave the room.


A day later Shotaro was back in Japan with the Cyclone in his possession now. He went home and saw that his old bike was there, he gave a solemn smile before he parked the Cyclone and gently grabbed the handle. The young man pushed the door open to find everything was where it was when he left. He went to his dresser and picked out new clothes, a red jacket, black shirt, blue pants, and grey shoes.

He adjusted his jacket before going towards his land line to call his teacher. He pressed the keys before holding his phone up to his head, "Professor Masu?" he asked to which he smiled when he got a response. "I'm fine Sensei," he would take a deep breath and look outside of his window. "Look, is there someplace safe we can talk? I'll promise to explain everything face to face," he promised as he waited for the response. "The University? Ok, I'll be there soon."


Shotaro drove the Cyclone up to the parking lot of Johnan University and turned the bike off. He took his helmet off and walked to the doors of the university then opened the door. He would walk around the corridors of the empty University before he would reach the science lab in the right wing of the university. He opened the door and saw Professor Masu in there and carefully closed the door before going to the table Masu was at before the young male would put his helmet on the table. "Professor," Shotaro greeted before Masu would go and hugged him to which he then smile.

"Shotaro, I'm glad you're alive," Masu sighed as he would then let him go. "Where were you for the last month?"

Shotaro sighed as he would then just look around before he just rubbed the back of his head. "I've... been taken against my will and now I'm a cybernetic enhanced human."

Masu looked at him as he just blinked at the young male, "Seriously? Were you looked in a mental institution?"

"Just watch," Shotaro stated as he went to a different science table and grabbed the edges of the table. He would then lift the entire table and even rip the screws from the bottom of the table that went to the ground. He would then set the table down and look back at Professor Masu, "Now please listen Sensei," he pleaded as he spoke his tale.


In a Hydra bunker, Bat and Zola would look down at the Scientist Supreme working on a human being. "She hasn't died from the virus," he then looked at Zola, "It has held for a day longer more than the other Hydra subjects, this proves the virus can be now deployed for a larger scale."

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