To Friendships & What Ifs

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Looking at your wrist watch you cannot help but mutter a few curses. Hurriedly you put on your clothes, struggling to do so in the process.

The clock reads 7:30 AM. Your appointment doesn't start until 9:00 AM but you are to arrive an hour earlier than the appointed time. Now you might wanna ask why you would be in such a hurry when there is enough time left. Well that's because the travel time takes an hour and that is if the traffic isn't as congested as it usually is.

You didn't forget to set an alarm last night but you slept through it. Dammit.

Locking the front door you made your way to your car, placing your suit jacket on the back seat and your bag on the passenger seat, you began driving.

Your day was already doomed after waking up late but the lack of caffeine only added to your stress. You just hope that it would fade sooner or later after you got your much needed drink. Tapping your fingers at the steering wheel you wait impatiently for the light to turn green so you could continue on your journey. Even though you're quite irritated due to how your morning turned out the soft music playing on the radio helped to somewhat alleviate your condition. Humming along the words sang by your favorite singer, well band, Bread.

You have always loved their songs. The way the lead singer's voice sound is unique. The story the song also holds tugs your heartstrings. You know a lot more old songs than the new ones, since for you they hold much more meaning than the songs you hear these days. You enjoyed listening to it every time, most importantly when you paint.


You are a painter. A world-famous painter who goes by the name 'White Fairy'. A lot of people are quite baffled with the name you chose. But regardless of it, no one can deny the fact that you are an exceptional painter. Your works are top-notch, and they can always feel the emotions behind every masterpiece you make.

Lots of people comes to your art exhibitions, everyone wants to see what kind of painting they would see each time.

You've made many masterpieces in the course of your career and it hasn't been long. You began to pursue your craft a year after you have graduated from college. It was kinda funny since you weren't supposed to be a painter. None of your family members are in this field. You are a family of lawyers and doctors, the typical career for an Asian family. An acceptable career you can be proud of. Imagine the shock on your parents' faces when you revealed that you wouldn't continue on your path towards being a doctor, that you would not be attending medical school, instead you will pursue what you want, what you really want and that is what you did.

It was tough. Extremely tough. Your relatives mocked your decisions, everyone did. After taking a four-year premed course, you decided to change your career. You didn't attend any classes since you can't afford one. Your parents did not support your decision so they said you would not be getting any financial support from them. No support at all. And yes, the weren't joking.

Even your siblings mocked your decisions, calling you names and saying that you are such a disgrace, and that there is no money in this field.

But something like that won't hold you down, you wouldn't just give up on your dream without making any effort. So, you started working in order to support yourself, to provide for yourself, especially after your parents cut your allowance and kicked you out of your apartment.

The first months were the hardest. You weren't spoiled like your siblings but still you weren't accustomed to this kind of life. You weren't used to not eating four to five times a day. But now you have to make sure that your budget will last. Every penny is spent on your cramped apartment and daily expenses. You can't buy anything for yourself and you can't even buy snacks since you have to save money.

To Friendships and What ifs | Jennie Kim x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now