The final showdown

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"Then it looks like only one of us leaves here alive," Dumbledore returned, before he flicked his wrist and, as Harry watched, he summoned a sword that was almost like a Dark Excalibur: it was emerald-green hilted and had a blade that, like Tom's, was black as night. Lifting it high, Dumbledore commanded, "Face me Potter and face your destiny."

"If that is what I must do," Harry returned, before the sound of steel on steel filled the stadium, the former mentor now facing his former student in a battle that, for the Holy Knights, would decide everything.


Outside the circle, Amelia ran down to where Lily was trying to keep a frightened Hermione calm; approaching the Knight of Light, she asked, "What can we do Lily? Even the Aurors can't get through the fire."

"We protect the students," Lily explained, looking now to Tom and, for a moment, a look of pure evil filled her eyes before she composed herself: if Harry could do this then so could she. "Riddle, find Severus and get the Slytherins: Hermione, go find Minerva and take care of the Gryffindors; Neville, Professor Sprout and the Hufflepuffs; Luna: the Ravens and Master Filius. I'll find Fleur and Gabrielle and we'll take care of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and gather everyone in the Great Hall."

"But what about Harry?" asked Hermione, "He may have gained a power boost from the Hallows finally coming together, but what if it's not enough to take on Dumbledore?"

"If I know Harry Potter," Tom laughed, much to the bemusement of those who knew who he'd once been, "He'll find a way back to you Lady Hermione: Lady Lily is right though; with the magical clash going on here, we need to get the students to safety."

"I…guess you're right Riddle," Hermione scowled, before she gave her agreement to Lily's plan and, splitting up, the Holy Knights and the Arch-Mage began to make their way off in the directions of the four houses.

However, as they gathered everyone together, Hermione then counted one head missing; someone from one of the Hogwarts Houses was not among the students and, as she reached into the link with Hogwarts that Harry had told her about, she felt a familiar tingle of energy remaining down by Harry's side.

'I…don't…believe…it,' gasped Hermione, 'Right under our noses the whole time…'


Excalibur met Dumbledore in a flurry of steel and magic that had both combatants equalising one another in skill, strength and finesse; countering every blow from the old man, Harry stepped back and faced his former mentor before he smiled as he asked, "Why did you do it anyway Dumbledore? Why did you choose me to be your pawn and your lamb to the slaughter?"

"Because of who you were," Dumbledore growled, his wand suddenly in hand as he fired off another curse; once again, Harry deflected it with Excalibur, before he countered with a stream of flames crafted from the circle around them. "Your powers would have been mine once you destroyed Tom and became the so-called Saviour: but then that stupid Mudblood got in the way and you were lost. If it wasn't for that buck-toothed, bossy know-it-all, I would have you right where I want you."

"You know," Harry snarled, flames now filling both hands, one of which covered Excalibur's blade as he hissed, "There's one lesson you need to remember Dumbledore and, for such a great man, you have a real problem doing so: Never." He threw the flames forwards, Dumbledore now going on the defensive against the full fury of the recently-crowned Master of Death. "Ever. Insult. Hermione. Granger. In. Front. Of. ME!"

"Crucio!" cried Dumbledore, Harry trying to deflect the curse again with Excalibur; however, as the torturous power of the Unforgivable came into contact with Excalibur, the sword seemed to be drawn into a magnetic flurry, forcing it out of Harry's hand and into the unknown. Standing exposed, Harry called on two balls of electrical energy, readying himself for whatever came next. Dumbledore, seeing the bravery, laughed as he explained, "The Boy Who Lived has finally come to die: such a shame Harry, you would have made such a good servant: Fiendfyre!"

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