Season 1 Episode 7: The Domino Effect

Start from the beginning

Anne: (Didn't hear the last thing he said) Exactly Y/N! (Rubs her face against the purring caterpillar) My cat back home was a stray (Y/N glares at her causing Anne to sigh) or an orphan before I adopted her. All it takes is love and patience and... love.

Sprig: (Deadpans) You said "love" twice. (Anne holds the caterpillar up to his face, which the caterpillar then licks him) Sold!

Y/N: (Claps excitedly) Heck yeah!

Anne: It's settled. I hereby dub thee "Domino 2." (Pretends to knight it with the scythe)

Y/N: Hold on, how come I can't pick the name?

Anne: (Looks towards Y/N) Why do you think you should pick the name Y/N?

Y/N: (Deadpans) I was literally the reason we saved her in the first place.

Anne: Well what do you think we should name her then?

Y/N: (Says proudly) Y/N Jr.

Anne: (Deadpans) That name sucks. (Y/N looks somewhat offended by this, then just looks saddened)

Sprig: (Patting Y/N on the back, and whispers to him) I thought it was a good name. (Y/N smiles upon hearing this)

Anne: If that's settled then we should start heading back. Come on, girl, Let's go home. (The caterpillar doesn't follow her, Sprig, or Y/N, instead it lays on it's side)

Sprig: (Confused) Uh, is it broken?

Y/N: (Shrugs) I'm down to just carry it. (About to go and pick up Domino 2)

Anne: Hold up. I got an idea. This worked on Domino 1 without fail. (Pulls out a toy mouse with a bell on it's nose and begins moving it, getting the bell to jingle and for Domino 2 to get fascinated by it)

Anne: That's a girl. You can do it. Come on. (Begins to lead Domino 2)

Sprig: (Mesmerized by the toy's jingle) I want it. Give it to me.

Y/N: (Also mesmerized by the toy's jingle) Move! (Shoves Sprig out of the way) Please, give it to me.

Back at the Plantar Farm, Hop Pop is busy in the kitchen, cutting up some kind of coiled up creature with a meat cleaver as Anne and Y/N walk in with a pep in their step.

Anne: Hey, Hop Pop, old buddy, old pal.

Y/N: Hey there buddy, chum, pal, friend.

Hop Pop: What do you want, Anne and Y/N?

Anne: Oh, nothin'.  We were just thinking. Doesn't this house feel empty to you?

Hop Pop: (Looks at the mountain of dishes, cups, pots, and pans that Anne was supposed to clean) Not especially.

Anne: Wouldn't it be nice to have a sweet, fuzzy, loving critter around?

Hop Pop: (Halts his cutting) A pet?

Y/N: (Snaps his fingers) Great idea, Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: (Points at Anne and Y/N with the clever) No pets! Every time we get one, Sprig and Polly swear they're gonna take care of it! Like this one spider we had, Charlie Bigbottom. I mean, sure, they were there for all the cuddlin' and the snugglin', but who gets stuck doin' all the work? Good ol' Hop Pop, that's who! I swear to Frog, whoever brings a fuzzy critter into this house will be on dung duty for a month! (Begins trailing off as Anne and Y/N sneak outside) I told Charlie Bigbottom to stay out of the...

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