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Jade's POV
"Yeah, I'll be done by tommorow, hahaha!, Nah! Everything is going well actually they said I'm not pregnant yet so we are safe" I was just from talking with my boyfriend and um, last night it was fun we had ourselves alone in the house for the whole day, it was the best times in my life, yeah and also he was my first sexual partner that I have encountered. Soo dear diary I'm writing this in a feeling of fear if I'll be pregnant or not, because my mom hates unprepared guests. I put down my gel pen closed my diary and placed it on top of my cupboard where my secrets stay. And of course I'm the tallest in the family so nobody can reach there apart from me, maybe he or she climbs with a ladder. "Jade! Jade! Jade! Jade! Jade!," I woke up just realizing I was just dreaming, nothing was real, I looked at my younger sister who was just pushing me front and back wanting me to be awake, I rose up and stared at him, I yawned and exhaled "Haaaa!....what do you want, it's 6 in the morning, I should be asleep" I jumped back to my bed and pulled my bedsheet to cover my face. "Jade, dad said you take me to school today, it's your turn,you know that."
my younger sister kept on teasing me, I was pissed, I had just to wake up, I took my mouth wash, honestly I rarely brush my teeth but I think they are naturally white as always. "So where are his keys?" I asked my young sister who was busy wearing her shoes, "Um dad said you take your car, his car is out of fuel, but maybe if you can refill for him he'll be thankful for that"she replied to me while looking if the shoes fit her well.
"Okay, go to my room, on my table you will find my keys, quickly you be back, I'll be waiting for you outside".she dashed quickly upstairs, I got outside to hear birds chirping, "Morning Miss Jade" our guard just greeted me, I was used to it I just nodded my head, and he smiled and he kept on walking towards the gate, I guess dad already told him that I was going out, I watched my watch it was 6:15am, I slowly walked towards the garage in my mind, I was thinking of the dream that I just had, it was my second, I think my third dreaming of a boy who would like me,and really wished to date me, and maybe have merry with me. I turned back and I saw my young sister who was walking fast I think she's late again.But who cares well I don't. "Hey Jade, Dad said your hair aren't combed well, so he gave me this comb,he said make them be inorder, he is observing you know"my young sister just arrived with shocking news that surprised me. Make them well?.But what's wrong with them,. I said to my self while looking at the side mirror of my car. But who I'm I to disobey dad's orders, I took the comb and quickly combed my hair, I looked at his room window that was facing the garage,that was meters away from the house. I looked at him, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up. I knew it my hair was well already. "Jade, you ain't going to a boy or to work, you are just taking me to school, we are already late though"my young sister said while walking towards the front door.
I opened the door, on our way to school, she asked me "Hey, Jade what would you do if you have a crush, and you think that he likes you back,but he just never gotten a chance".
I looked at her, I smiled I asked her "Who is it this time, Clara?, Is it the cute boy with gorgeous outfits?". Clara replied to me while blushing "Nah! I'm done with him, I've realized he's not romantic at all but a sex maniac, can you believe he kissed his girlfriend's butt in class?, Or that time he pinched her nipples that caused her to make noise in the girl's bathroom". What!, is there a kid like that?, A sex maniac mmh! Maybe just rumours, let me keep on listening. I said to myself while looking at road. Clara, looked at me she asked "Jade are you listening?," I nodded my head. To keep her going on with the story. "Yeah so the guy I was talking about he is called "Jason, he is really good behaved and humble and cute, but also I think he is an introvert, cause he rarely speaks in class,and in some sessions he doesn't contribute in the discussions that we have. We have had eye to eye meet but he looks away with, shyness, I can't say it's fear". I asked Clara a question"What made you say that he is well behaved, and all other qualities". She giggled, "Ohh! That's easy he helped the genitor in mopping the floor when, he accidentally bumped to my food. Honestly he was terrified and I think he has phobia of girls. Cause he is normally dum when I'm on his way, he was like ', Clara I'm sorry..I'll get it cleaned up, I'm sorry for ruining your good look my heart beats a went fast since I just met and encountered with the boy I love".. I looked at Clara, she said "Whaat!". "Nothing,I just didn't believe that he said 'I'm sorry for ruining your good look' that verifies that he has feelings for you in a way that he can't tell or expose them, he fears of your negative response" I replied to her.
Clara: "You think, but why fearing of negative response,they are just answers, honest ones of course, anyway sis thanks for the tip advice, bye"
I looked at her "Have fun alright?," I replied.
She turned back and shouted "You too sis" I drove my self back home.

Farsy's POV
I turned back and looked at my wrist watch it was 6:30am, I looked at my wife who was half asleep. She asked me "What's in your mind honey". "Well, I was just thinking of the right person for Jade" I replied to her. While looking at my room's second window. Well our room was this big room with only two big windows one that faced the garage and the backyard and opposite of it, it's the other one that faced the entrance gate. That was the second window, for my preference. She replied, "Let her, find for herself a right guy that will be perfect for her,since you can't force love?". I turned back and looked my wife. "Well, yeah I know but I wanted her to get married by that multimillionaire Jann, I know our family's company with theirs will obviously unite, and we would have shares in the unity, can you think how rich we'll be. From owning six cars we'll be even having a privated boat, maybe and more a private jet." The opening of the gate interrupted our conversation, I looked outside and so my daughter coming in with her car. She waved at the guard as usual, and drove it slowly inside, I looked at my wife "So what do you think, about that?,". She yawned a bit, she looked so tired maybe because yesterday we were from the financial meeting with the Japans. "Aaaahh!'s up to you but even though it works, it won't last ". I took my phone, and viewed various of messages and emails that just came in that morning. Damn I forgot my medications yesterday, but I'll take double of the dose that I was told to. I said to myself, I went in the bathroom opened the showers, to cool myself and omit all the morning menly scent. After my shower, I wiped my self with my white towel, my wife, just got up, she ordered a cup of lemon juice, she did that every day, the lemon juice got her senses and made her active all day. She brushed her teeth, while I was wearing my coat, it has been really cold for the past few weeks,my health condition don't dwell well in cold times, my bodyguard knocked, "You done sir?". I buttoned my coat and got out. "Morning Sir", "Morning Frajer", I walked down stairs. Surprisingly to find Jade sleeping on the dining table,her hands that acted like her pillow, "She's tired Sir, I guess that meeting yesterday made her exhausted".Frajer replied while adoring her sleeping posture, it was then silent as usual, "Um, sir should I get her upstairs?, To her room?", I looked again at Frajer , "Don't bother, I'll call her bodyguard to carry her upstairs." "Um Sir I already called him when I was coming to knock to your door since I saw her sleeping". I smiled at Frajer, I really appreciated the guy he was so helpful he did much more than his work, he was my bodyguard since I was mine, my dad was all rich and stuff like that, we had many adventures together. We have about four decades to five. I spoke to him "Thanks Frajer." I sat on my chair, took out my phone listened to music, I prefer R&B type of music just because they were so chill. Jade's bodyguard rose her up and took her upstairs. My chef, arrived, she smiled with her lips red in colour, her perfume was legit, I had admired her, but I never wanted my wife to know about it. Her voice soft and calm like the waters of the river, when she looks at me I go dum, and freeze, "Morning Farsy, today's in menu are Burger's with variety of meats also, donuts,and cupcakes".
I liked her cooking she cooked even better than my wife her meals made my tongue jump with excitement. All that fantasy was cut off by my son, who took my swags, he looked like the younger me, handsome and hard to resist, suddenly the chef faced at him and smiled, "Morning Patrick". I intervined before they got any further. "I would like a cup of milk and three donuts,make the flavour that I like". She bowed, and said "Yes, Mr.Farsy". "Morning Dad, where's Jade? ". "Still asleep son, but she might wake up anymoment since it's 8:20am". "So did you make the deal with the Japans yet?". "No, Patrick it's still under discussion, if they agree or not". Patrick was in his nudy printed pajamas again, I really hated them since they arose my feelings everytime I looked at them. "Patrick what did I say, about your pajamas." "But dad this is the last time I'm wearing them, I won't wear them again." My son was much of a nudity freak who would always think of nudes draw nudes, and even playing videogames with such content, I couldn't take it anymore,it was too much even for me. Yeah I agree I had the same manners as him getting drank, going to clubs, doing unnecessarily sex with prostitutes. But he's too much, I have to put boundaries. "Welcome Farsy, here's your milk, and your donuts" my meals came smoking good, with the smell that was never bad to my nose. Every bite and every sip was worth it. I looked at Frajer who was just standing behind me, he looked hungry, "Hey, have a sit and eat". "Thanks boss, I appreciate your kindness".

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