Apartments || SEASON 2

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"Lets start our plan now"

Dae-su said as the group nodded to each other. Sooyoung took a deep breath and knocked on Ms Jihyo's office door. She entered the room upon hearing a 'come in'.

"Good Morning Sooyoung ! How are you feeling ?"

"Nothing's been better Ms Park. The nightmares are just getting worse. I-I don't know w-what to do a-anymore."

Sooyoung cried as Jihyo stared at the girl in worry. She wrote down her condition in the medical record as she sighed.

"Explain everything to me properly."

"So yesternight..........."

Sooyoung spoke for at least 15 minutes as Jihyo listened to her patiently occasionally noting down something in Sooyoung's medical file. The girl finally stopped and waited for the lady to process the information and prescribe medicines accordingly.

"This is a condition of sever depression. I am giving you some anti-depressants and sleeping pills. Take them after having food. Call me if you feel worse. Also from tomorrow onwards visit me daily at 4 in the evening."


Sooyoung wiped her tears as she took the medicines from the doctor with her trembling hands. She quickly thanked the lady and walked out of the office with a small smirk on her face. Her acting and lies worked perfectly and hit the right spot ! Her work was done and now it was time for the others to do their part.



Therapist Park
Hello Ms Hari...Sooyoung visited me today. She just left my office. She told me that her nightmares have worsened. She is under serious depression. Kindly take care of her and see that she takes her medicines on time.

Noted....Thank you so much for informing me Ms Park

Therapist Park


A small victorious smile adorned Sooyoung's lips as she read the conversation between Jihyo and Hari. They had successfully made the doctor believe that Sooyoung was facing severe depression again.

"Not going to lie but I feel bad for fooling her. She is such a sweet soul."

Yeonjun said as guilt could be clearly seen in his eyes and body language. 

"We cannot do anything bro...if we want to save Sooyoung then we have to tell this white lie."

Hyunjin said and nudged Hari's shoulder. Mi-jin glared at the blonde head as she separated the two and stood between them.

"You are too short for this."

Hyunjin snickered and lightly pushed Mi-jin from her position and side hugged Hari, teasing the short haired girl.

"Oh yeah ? Be aware I will bite off your knee caps."

Mi-jin scanned the boy from top to bottom in a judging manner as she clung to Min-jae. 

"What do we have to do next ?"

Suhyeok asked ignoring the eye draggers that Hyunjin and M-jin threw at each other silently. 

"Kill Sooyoung"

"What the actual fuck ?!?"

Dae-su and Mi-jin jumped in surprise at Hari's statement.

"Not literally but you know as an dumbshits"

Hari said as she massaged her forehead dramatically. She was starting to get annoyed at the continuous bickering of Hyunjin and Mi-jin and then the stupid questions that the group was throwing at her.

"Oh...understood mam"

"Good...Lets head back home. We have to prepare for the fake funeral for tomorrow."

Hari started walking back home with Sooyoung by her side. The others soon followed after separating Hyunjin and Mi-jin who were literally at each other's throat, trying to get themselves killed.

"Namra-yah I am scared. What if something went wrong and they are not able to escape ? What will we do ?"

Namra facepalmed at Hwa-young's overthinking as she sat down next to the girl.

"Empty mind is like devil's house....stop overthinking and get yourself busy with Legos or something."

Namra said as she pushed a bag full of Legos towards the worried girl. Namra, herself, was very worried for her friends safety but she couldn't let her guard down in worry. She stared at Hwa-young who looked like she was about to cry. She sighed and pulled the girl to her feet.

"Leave it ! Lets go for a walk."

The two girls exited the apartment building as they started walking towards a nearby park.

"Hello...nice to meet you two again."

A certain mullet boy stopped the girls making them roll their eyes. Hwa-young spoke up in an annoyed voice.

"Well what are you doing here ?"

"Nothing...just heard that Sooyoung and her petty friends are going to leave that shitty camp and live with us."

"Stay away from them you man eating mullet monster otherwise your balls and my kick is waiting impatiently since you have been such a nuisance lately."

"Oh my God darling...calm down ! I won't do anything to them. Just have a little talk with Sooyoung you know."

"Not under my watch."

"Not this lovesick puppy..."

Gwi-nam mumbled and rolled his eyes as he turned towards Wujin with a glare in his eyes.

"Stay out of it otherwise----"

"Otherwise what ? Are you going to come for my eye like a toddler that comes for a candy ?"

"Jang Wujin shut your fuck----"

"Can you guys stop ?! You are creating too much noise in here."

Mr Lee glared at the two as he signalled Gwi-nam to back off and leave the scene. The man then turned towards the three friends and sighed deeply.

"Fighting with him is useless. I hope you understand that Wujin and Hwa-young."

"But sir what about Sooyoung and others safety here ? What if Gwi-nam tries to hurt them ?"

"I will ensure that they are safe here. Now stop worrying and go back to your apartments. Its getting quite dark and report to me tomorrow sharp at 9 in the morning. Understood ?"

"Yes sir !"


The three started walking back to their apartments with a small scowl on their face. Wujin sighed as he rubbed his face in anxiety. How would Sooyoung and Hari react to see him alive and well ? Will they hate him for not letting them know about his well being sooner ? But the biggest question in his mind was---if Sooyoung still loves him.

"Come on lover boy stop frowning. You will get wrinkles soon."

"Namra !!"

Namra and Hwa-young laughed as they started running to their rooms while being chased by an angry Jang Wujin. Gwi-nam stared at the three with a smirk on his face. His mind flooded with ill intentions making him let out a demonic laugh.

"Ouch !!!"

Gwi-nam screamed in pain when someone twisted his ear unexpectedly. 

"You are not going to listen to me, are you ?"

Mr Lee scolded the boy as he hit him with a thick wooden stick. Gwi-nam ran to his room while the angry scientist cursed at him in worry and anger.

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