Symbiosis - Chapters 1-3 It started with a swim

Start from the beginning

Michelle pointed two fingers at her eyes then her index finger to where the blind white crab had buried itself, to show grant that she had seen something.  Grant gave the okay sign, and held up three fingers indicating how long they had left to look before surfacing. They both moved in on the area of sand between two volcanic rock formations that looked for the entire world like giant slices of cake piled haphazardly on top of each other.  Michelle started to prod and poke at the spot where she thought she saw the crab disappear. She was electrified at the prospect of her find, completely oblivious to the nature of the shock they had in store.

Chapter 2

“Oh, dad, I didn't have time to come home and see you first. It was the only time Mike and I could get away together.  I promise we will both come and visit just as soon as we get back to England."

"Well, poppet, be sure you do. You Know granny and I are always pleased to see you and she's not getting any younger you know.  And if lover boy wants to come too, you know he will be made very welcome."

"I know, I know, " she lied..

Since Kristy’s mother had died and her father, Edward. C. Jackson, had Sold his company and retired, and he had become so possessive.   She knew he had a deep-seated dislike of Mike.  Just as he had with all the men she chose. He had wanted to leave his company to a son and a daughter just wouldn't do.

"I promise I’ll stay for a few days before my next assignment.  Mike won’t be able to, as he doesn't have any more time off."

"Oh, shame. Still, I guess those beans won't count themselves.  You know if he wants a meaningful Job that earns value… I could still speak to David... "

“Bye, dad. Speak to you next week.  Love you. Bye… bye." 

Kirsty's father was such a biggot, but of course she loved him anyway.

Kristy checked her mobile for messages, and then gently tossed it on to the King-size bed.  She Kicked off her shoes, opened the French doors and stepped onto the balcony, the breeze gently refreshing her body through her thin floral pattern dress.  The small fishing port looked so beautiful this afternoon. The only noise was that of the traditional food market just packing up.  She decided to go down and see if she could get some fresh food for dinner before all the stalls closed.


The sudden impact of rubber on Tarmac woke Mike with a jump. His mostly empty coffee cup had miraculously disappeared from his hand and his table was folded back up into the stowed position.

"Please remain in your seats with your Seatbelts fastened until the aircraft has come to a complete stop, and the seatbelt lights have gone out.”

Mike switched off flight mode on his mobile and waited for a signal. There were two messages.

Man c 1.  Man u 0.  Haha! Enjoy your hols. Steve.

At the apartment. Please call when u land.  Missed U.   Love, K .  X X

Mike pushed his mobile into his jeans pocket, grabbed his brown leather hold-all and got ready to disembark the plane.

Chapter 3

Michelle new she didn't have much time.  She quickly felt all around the area where she had seen the crab.  Suddenly she saw sand cascading into a hole like an hour glass.  Grant Looked at his watch again.  Michelle scraped the sand away with her hand, and then she saw the crab really close, no bigger than a 2 euro Coin, only this time it was not scurrying away, it was arching back!

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