"Oh no, this is bad. He will get us in trouble. I am sure of it." I said shaking my head.  

That was when Madam Pomfrey came over at that moment and made them leave saying Ron needed sleep. 

"It's too late to change the plan now," Harry told me and Granger. 

"We haven't got time to send Charlie another owl and this could be our only chance to get rid of Norbert. We'll have to risk it. And we have got the Invisibility Cloak, Malfoy doesn't know about that." 

We were going to see Hagrid when we were interrupted.

"Miss Black, may I have a word with you?" Asked Professor Snape. 

"Uh, yes of course sir," I said glancing at the others.

Of course. I couldn't meet the dragon. Again. 

"Follow me." We went to the potions class and on the way, he also called Draco, Nott and Katherine. 

In the potions room, Professor Snape asked us to sit. 

"Every year, I handpick selected students who exceed in my class. This year, you four are the ones who were selected. I will be giving you a test. Yes, I know you were not warned but that is the point. It would be best if you prepared the potion alone. I will choose the most accurate potion. Your name will be going down in the yearbook, so do well if you want it." Snape said in his usual monotone. 

I looked at Draco who smirked at me and looked confident that he would win this. I walked to my table and bumped my shoulders with his.

"I am sure, Cassiopeia, I will win. You hang out with the mud blood, blood traitor and half-blood too much these days, Cassie. It will be reflecting on your studies." 

"And yet these people you mentioned named with decorative words are much better than you. I don't know if hanging out with Crabbe and Goyle will help you in your studies either, Draco. I don't even think they have touched a book in their entire life. Yet, here you are talking as if your friends are such reputed people. Also, Draco I heard that the "mudblood" as you call her got more marks than you in every subject. How do you feel about that?" I asked pouting. 

"Shut up-"

"Quiet Malfoy. Now, you can start. The potion you have to make is the Forgetfulness Potion. A reminder that you aren't allowed to use your textbook. The reason for this is that you all are my best students, I expect you to learn such things by heart." Said Professor. 

Yes, I got lucky, I had learnt it for the upcoming exams. This would be easy. The look on Draco's face showed that he wasn't so excited anymore. 

I took the cauldron and added two drops of Lethe River Water. After heating it for a few seconds, I added two Valerine Sprigs. I gently stirred it. I waved my wand and let it rest for 55 minutes. After that, I added the Standard Ingredient (which was a mixture of herbs) and then added four mistletoe berries into the mortar. 

"Three points will be taken from Malfoy for not focusing in his own potion and for attempting to cheat by looking at another student's potion." Snape said as he marked it in his board. 

Nott laughed and made fun of Malfoy. 

"Two points will be taken from Nott for not minding his own business."

I ignored the others and added the powder. I added two pinches of the crushed mixture. I stirred the cauldron and waved my wand. 

I had done it. I was the first one to complete the potion. 

"Yes, yes. Wonderful, Miss Black. 5 points will be awarded to you as you are the first one to complete the potion." He walked over to my cauldron to check my cauldron. 

"Yes, this is perfect. Not even a single mistake, Black. Good job. You will be receiving full marks. You may leave. I will be announcing the result tomorrow in class." 

"Thank you, sir. Have a good day." I said as I offered him a smile. He nodded in return.

I left and was about to go to Hagrid's' when the trio rushed to me.

"That dragon is out of control. It was biting Hagrid's leg."

"Woah. Yeah, it is probably a bit aggressive at this stage."



Heyy! That's another chapter. I will see you all in the next chapter. Also, I have a new story s a Draco Malfoy Fanfiction. Please check it out after this story. Byee!


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