8. Time to strike back

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"Y/N, you haven't fully recovered yet, why were you discharged from the hospital so fast? I think you should just resign, you are the wife of Natasha Romanoff, you should not be bullied by others." Brooke commented as everyone was in your room, trying to care for you. "It's okay, Brooke. It's not a big deal. You go ahead with what you're doing, I'm fine." You have a forced smile to please her.

"Tell me, what actually happened today?" You told her from the beginning without leaving anything out. "That was it, Don't worry, Sharon took my pictures, as long as I can take back the pictures, they can't deny it. You don't need to worry about this. I will handle it." She sighed but nodded her head.

"Y/N..." She reached closer to you. "As I've said, we are partners. I can protect you and remove every stumbling block that is in your path."

"Natasha, I, Y/N Y/L/N, won't simply be humiliated by others. I can handle it myself. Only in this way am I qualified to be called Mrs Romanoff."

"The doctor said that you still need to apply medicine on the bruises on your body. Let me apply it for you." You were going to refuse, until you saw Natasha's resolve. You weren't used to being affectionate with Natasha, but you let her anyway. This was the most intimate you have been with Natasha, awake. You lifted your shirt and allowed her to put the ointment on your bruise where Sharon kicked. You sensed that Natasha had more to say, but keeps changing her mind as you hear her sigh each time. "Be more careful. I'm not with you all the time."


When you were all better and Natasha finally allowed you to leave the house, you went back to work.

"How weird, why is she still not here?" Wanda mumbled as she spied the entrance. "Wanda, what are you doing?" Millicent hit her head with a file she was holding. "N-nothing."

"Did you see Sharon? I have something to talk to her about." She asked. Wanda shook her head. "Weird, I've never seen her being late for so long. Maybe something happened?"

"What can possibly happen? Perhaps she is feeling guilty and is hiding from something she's done."

"You're always thinking about nonsense like this. Go and do your work."

In the breakroom, you were refilling your water when you finally saw Sharon. Seeing how dishevelled she was, you knew she was coming for you and shifted your cup to get hot water. "Sharon, what happened to you? Why do you look so dishevelled?"

"Bitch, how dare you?!" She tried to slap you but you caught her hand before she was able to do so. "Sharon, why are you so angry? Did I do something wrong?"

"Stop pretending! You are behind what happened this morning, right? You actually did what I had done to you back on me? Are you tired of living?"

"Sharon, what are you talking about? What did you do to me?" You asked, but she remained silent. She was unable, could not admit what she did to you here in public. "Even you yourself can't say it out loud. You must be mistaken so you came to me. Though work is important, I advise you to go home and sober up first before coming back to work."

She pulled your arm, causing your cup filled with warm water to splash on her. "Ah! You bitch! You scalded me!"

"I'm so sorry, Sharon. Why did you pull me out of the blue? I wasn't paying attention."

"Get lost." She pushed you and you made a dramatic fall. "Sharon, you're too much. You're an editor. I'm only a junior staff member. You're targeting me for no reason. I can only stay away but you still want to pull me. I accidentally poured warm water on you. And I wanted to help you wipe it."

"I saw it just now. It was Sharon who didn't want to let her go." // "That water wasn't even hot right? Just look at her, so dramatic!" The breakroom wasn't empty and there were whispers coming from other staff members.

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