Pharuan's eyes flicker for the first time showing a reaction and the man did not miss that. "Ah, are you starting to figure it out? That's right you had given me hope that you could free me from that damned thing and to be fair you did. You just failed to mention you'd be replacing it with an even worse master. That demoness is the most skilled in the art of torture I have ever had the displeasure of witnessing. Even with all I have seen and done myself in my long life she had me cringing just watching her care of others when I first found myself in her household. If that is what you grew up with, how could I begin to break you here? It will be long and difficult but we will figure it out together. You will tell me where you have hidden your lamp and I'll bring you back to her under my command and she will finally acknowledge that I am superior to you."

The large red hand of the once genie pats him on the cheek. He then pulls out an old rusty bucket and a wave of the finger fills it with water, something allowing magic in this room, Pharuan notes. Leather straps are used to bind Pharuans bare foot into the water. With another flick of magic a fire begins to heat the water. Slowly as the water's temperature begins to rise he feels discomfort but quickly that changes to pain. The steam rising up to scorch the flesh around his ankle, steam burns always much worse than direct heat but the true pain started as the water went from a simmer into a rolling boil.

Unable to pull his foot free, the boiling water renders flesh and muscle, loosening it from the bone itself. Pharuan attempted to hold back the screams but he knew it would only be a matter of time. Indeed the screams came, the genie however did not speak, did not ask about the lamp nor anything else. He only sat and watched, piercing yellow eyes borrowing into pharuan.

Again time lost meaning to Pharuan, even the release of blacking out from the pain was stolen from him for when that happened smelling salts and a back hand across the face were dealt out to bring him back to reality. Eventually the bucket was removed, his gnarled foot left limp but again no questions asked only a new device of torture selected.

This bastard didn't want answers too quickly, he wanted to make him suffer. This time he selected an iron link of chain, magic bringing it to life in his hand. It begins to squirm in his hands like a snake. Gently placing the tip of the chain against his lips it starts to push its way into his mouth. First just poking at him and when he did not open his mouth it began to be more forceful. Knowing it would shatter through his teeth if he refused, the tiefling gives up and lets his mouth fall open. No time is wasted as the serpentine chain shots down his throat.

He gags, chokes and vomits around the chain as it slithers down his throat into his stomach before it falls dormant. With the other end of the chain resting in his hand he bursts into flame, heating the metal. The searing pain immense through his esophagus down into his stomach. Pharuans stomach acid burping as it is heated up. The metal tears him open from the inside but also cauterizes into the soft interior. Once cooled the chain is torn out of him quickly, reopening wounds and pulling chunks of him out with it. Magic is used to make sure he does not die but these and more torture methods does show the mistresses hand that this monster learned from.

Pharuan once more loses track of time. He wants to cave, he wants to make the pain stop but he know giving the genie what he wants will only be a temporary relief from pain and once the lamp is in his hands even worse torture can be inflicted directly onto his soul not to mention the evils he can be forced to commit.

Spells were woven forcing pharuan to dig chunks of his own flesh out with an old spoon and he was forced to eat them, these and more pains were inflicted upon him. The hours, days and weeks all passed. Pharuan would scream until his vocal cords would tear but then magic would heal them so his nightmare could be heard once more by the other inmates.

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