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 When the world was young it was not man who ruled but powerful creatures of magic. Centuries passed before even humanoid races such as elves and dwarves sprawled forth, and centuries more until now when humans are the prominent species. They however have turned away from the arcane arts and now rely on technology to perform near everything in the short lives they cling to. Let the common fools think those trinkets protect them, let them think presidents, kings, queens, parliament or whatever other old dyeing corpses really hold any power. The true power is held in secret by beings much older still basking in the arcane.

With the arcane monsters and demons of all kinds still roam the lands and the powers must keep such things in line so that the easily influenced humans go on believing their little lives are actually reality. To do so hunters are hired to slay any beast that might prove a danger to the illusion. These hunters are highly skilled at what they do, or they don't live long. One hunter by the name or Pharuan was born human but when his mother sold him off like cattle he ended up under the lash of a demoness who tore away his humanity, horns sprouted from his head, a tail from his rear, his skin shaded with a purple tint and he was made into a demon spawn known as a tiefling, mirroring her own likeness minus the large batwings. He was trained with sword and magic under the lash, not an easy life but worked wonders to hone those skills to a deadly edge.

Pharuan was raised as her right hand, assassin, protector, ambassador or concubine, whatever his mistress demanded of him. He excelled for if he did not his flesh and bones would be torn and broken, his mind would be warped in agony. That is until he broke free of her leash. Magic bound him to her never allowing him to speak a word against her better yet raise a finger to harm her. Yet when you teach one to be powerful, wise and resourceful they tend to use such skills to find ways around the chains that hold them.

Hunting down a genie he managed to trick the trickster into switching places with him. A new set of chains now bind him but he was able to hold the leash to these himself. He was free to strike out against his mistress for the first time after 2 centuries. He stood over her sleeping figure, ritual dagger in hand to slice open her throat yet he could not do it. Was not magic that stayed his hand but a twisted sense of love towards the demon. She might have caused him more than a lifetime of pain and suffering but it is that same pain that made him who he was. It was her who taught him to wield magic, it was her who turned his tongue to silver that helped in more than just diplomatic endeavors.

He did flee her keep, stealing a treasure trove of gold, jewels and magical artifacts to start his life anew. He found a new life in hunting, slaying witches, trolls, giants, krakens and a plethora of other monsters for any who could afford his services. Magic hides his demon features from the blind humans and he lives amongst them in their city of towering skyscrapers. High in the clouds in the penthouse of one of these towers he hangs his hat along with his apprentices. 2 beauties he found in his travels have taken under his own wing to help him keep one step ahead of his old mistresses' endless search to reclaim him. Numerous centuries, near endless training and the plethora of mommy issues still plague him enough that he clings to his white knight persona when a pretty face is in need.

The first of his apprentices has become a fairly popular internet fitness role model. Online her fans have dubbed her SnuSnu, her ripped physique and tendency to show off her powerful thighs by crushing fruits have made her loved by many, if for the wrong reasons for some. Easy to impress humans when your true look is that of a muscle bound half orc. Green skin, large protruding tusks yet a feminine face with short chopped black hair. Her real name Elazor, she was a savage pharuan was hired to slay. When he found the "monster" was just a half orc cursed with the blood rage of the orcs he found the loophole in his contract that he was to rid the land of this monster and instead of slaying her he took her from the hills of Scotland and helped her tame the blood curse and from there hone her fighting prowess. Now she serves under him a loyal but brash apprentice.

The second of his apprentices stays out of the public eye, refusing to muddy her image with that of a disgusting human. Her near pitch black skin, golden eyes and snow white hair, the trade marks of the drow or dark elves. Her counterpart, Elazor is muscle bound beauty, able to tear a limb from the socket with her brute force but Zarra is the definition of elegance. Almost half the height of the orc and the frame of a ballerina, her moves even on the battlefield is a dance of crimson blood. Her razor of a sword shaving skin from the bone in pinpoint precision while arcane words poured from her lips like a song bewitch and call upon the elements to aid her.

The three live a life filled with wealth, power, respect both in the eyes of the humans and the magical. After the priestesses who run drow society ordered Zarras death she fled the underdark and an execution squad was sent after her. Pharuan found the young elf chained up bloodied and near death he pulled her down and invoked the wrath of the hit squad that was trying to find the location of the magical tome she stole as she fled. Pharaun and the mighty Elazor slaughtered them for the disgusting torture methods they were hashing out on such a sweet and innocent looking young girl. They did not realize those methods were not as dark and twisted as some of the ones that delicate little flower would do onto others.

The drow told herself using these 2 as a shield as she healed was all just her taking advantage of more tools in her life but the truth was she felt a kinship to them. They didn't save her to use her for their own means, they did not judge her for being a drow. She could see the man taking long glances at her but he never acted inappropriate, he never tried to take advantage or make any advances towards her. The respect, protection and friendship they offered made her fall for them in a way she did not think she was capable of. 

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