Recap of 2023

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Lots of things have happened in the past year [2023] 🐶.

These are things I completed in 2023 from my '2023' for anyone who cares;

I'm officially an year clean! Kind of proud of that.

I lost almost 20 pounds. But I won't lie, I wish it could've been more. A win is a win though because my original goal was 30 👻.

I am improved in my korean. I can read it so much faster now. I also didn't have as much of a struggle picking it up, it kind of came naturally/comfortably..? I don't know how to explain it 😔.

Me and my friends are working on some music demos! Although I do most of it by myself :)).

I improved in guitar by doing some fingerpicking songs. It's not perfect but it's progress. My piano broke but I recently got one for Christmas so that's a work in progress. And I know this wasn't on the original, but my singing has improved so much in a year! For some it might not be much but since I'm self taught I feel proud of it.

I'm no longer in a depressive mind set like I was. I made some lifestyle changes and my mental health improved! Really grateful for that one. [I want thank y'all for your support on that one <3]

My aesthetic/style changed and irl I actually get compliments now 😱‼️

These are a couple things that happened that weren't in my goals but I'm happy of nonetheless;

My Spanish improved a ton! I'm sure some of you can relate to this: being a native speaker who grew up in an English speaking country, so in return your first language sounds not all that native. My friends help me but I'll be truthful and say that me constantly practicing/improving is what paid off 🥶.

I made new friends and one of them joined my main friend group. She one of my best friends now and I seriously love her so much! She just brightens my day and is the complete opposite of toxic. I'm grateful for having her in my life. We were friends/classmates before but got closer after we found out we both like kpop 🥸.

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