Chapter 28 (happy holidays)

Start from the beginning

>Tara's POV<

The guys, Anika and Mindy, cleaned the living room up as Sam, Mindy, Liv, Amber, and I swept or cleaned dishes and counters.

After a while, we all went to bed.

I looked over at Amber under our covers. "What did you get for me?"

"You'll see tomorrow." Amber smiled.

"It's 12:00, which means it's Christmas." I whispered.

"You'll see when it's time to open gifts." She lightly pinched my cheek and laughed.

I pouted a little, and she laughed again.

>Christmas day<

>Amber's POV<

It was 9:37 AM, and I could smell bacon from downstairs.

Tara was already in our bathroom. I heard the water running, so I knew it wasn't her cooking.

I went into our bathroom, and Tara was finishing up brushing her teeth, and I began to brush mine.

"I think Sam's cookin." I said, grabbing my toothbrush.

"Presents." Tara said, brushing her hair with a serious look.

I laughed and shook my head as I got ready.

After a while, we headed downstairs to eat breakfast with everyone.

Tara was in a total hurry.

"I'm done." She got up to wash her plate.

"She loves Christmas." Sam whispered.

"Always has." I smiled.

We went to the living room, and everyone started opening gifts.

I handed Tara my 1st gift to her, and she opened it.

"A macbook!" She exclaimed, and her face lit up. "Thank you."

"I know you love mine, and I thought you might like your own." I said.

She hugged me, and Sam handed her another gift.

"From me and Danny." Sam said.

"Open it." I said.

She opened her gift and pulled out new makeup packages.

"Aww, this is cute, I love this brand. Thank you, guys." She said.

"I have another gift for you." I said. "Well, there's a whole bag, but this one in particular is... better." I said.

"I will open it after you open my gift for you." She said.

"Deal." I smile.

She got up and went to the back of the tree and brought out this big box.

I scooted back, confused about what was inside.

"Open it." She said.

I opened it and tore the box. underneath, i could see what looked like fabric.

Once I got the box off, I could see that I it was a guitar case.

"No way." I looked up at her.

She smiled at me as I opened the guitar case, and yes, it was electric.

"YOU'RE CRAZY!" I exclaimed in excitement.

"You like itttt?" She sang.

"I love it! Thank you." I hugged her.

"You're welcome, peach." She replied.

"And now for my gift to you." I said.

I gave her a little box.

She opened it and read the paper.

"Promise." She read out loud and pulled out the ring.

I smiled as her jaw dropped.

"I was gonna give that to you sooner, but I decided maybe Christmas." I said.

"A promise ring?" She teared up.

"I would've gotten an engagement ring, but we said we'd finish college first." I smirked.

She put it on and grabbed my face to kiss me.

"This is the sweetest gift I've ever gotten." She said and laid into my hug.

"Amber one upped everyyybodyy." Mindy laughed.

I threw a teddy bear at her and laughed.

We spent about ten minutes opening more gifts before cleaning up the wrapping paper.

We all were planning on going to this Christmas party later so we watched some movies and later got dressed.

>New Years eve<

>Tara's POV<

We were in the living room on the channel that showed Times Square where the ball dropped.

"So New Yorkers really don't go see the ball drop?" Sam asked.

"Some do, but it's mostly tourists. It's cold and crowded out there." Danny admitted.

"Alright, everybody, get a drink it's almost that time." Chad said, bringing the tray around.

"Getting ready for the coundownn." Anika sang.

"Everybody got a drink?" Chad asked before sitting.

"Yessir." I replied.

The countdown began.

"Seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, HAPPY NEW YEARRR!" We all cheered as the ball dropped and hugged each other.

Considering we almost didn't make it to a New Year, this was an important moment.

We group hugged and turned up the music partying and drinking for hours at home.

It was one of the best holidays I've had in a long time, surrounded by everyone I love.

Happy New Year to you, too. I hope you enjoyed something about your holiday.

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