Chapter 6 (trapped in my own mind)

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>Amber's POV<

I was pretty wiped out from yesterday. I snuck out of bed while Tara was still asleep and went to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I wasn't just wiped from yesterday, though. I think I was just mentally wiped more so.

I put my hair in a low messy bun and threw on some black leggings and a black tank top before leaving the room.

"Hi, scooby." I whispered.

He was laying in the hallway on the air vent comfortably.

"Do you wanna go outside?" I asked him.

He jumped up at the word 'outside' and ran to the back door.

I opened it and let him run out into the backyard. I closed the door behind us and stood on the back porch, watching him run around.

Life was perfect as I knew it lately, yet somehow I couldn't get out of my head. Maybe that's something to bring up to my therapist.

I was on my 2nd cigarette and millionth intruding thought when I heard the back door creek open.

Out stepped some pink bunny slippers on a 5ft girl with her wavy hair down and a sleepy look in her eyes.

"Go back to bed, baby." I said, putting out my cig.

"You snuck away from me." She said, holding onto the door.

"I'm coming back, I just needed to let scooby go out." I explained.

I let scooby back in, and we went up to the room to lay back in bed.

"You ok?" Tara looked over at me with sleepy eyes.

"Yeah...why?" I asked.

"Because I know when you're not." She said.

I looked at the foot of the bed where scooby was laying asleep.

"If there's something you wanna talk about-"

"It's fine." I said.

"This is a relationship." Tara said, sitting up.

I looked at her with a dead, exhausted look.

"I know you're stubborn, and you don't tell anybody anything. You make yourself believe you have to go through everything alone." She said, holding my hand.


"But as long as we're together, we go through nothing alone. I tell you. You tell me." She said, looking me in my eyes.

"You want the truth?" I said.

"Yes." She replied.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. There are moments when I happy, and then there are moments where I'm scared to walk to the bathroom alone at night for fear of a knife going into my back." I said as tears slowly arrived.

I turned my head back to Tara,who was already teared up.

She held my face and kissed me all over it.

"I know, me too. I know I said we should be able to look past this, but I didn't mean SOON. Don't feel like you have to ignore that it happened." She explained.

"I know, I know." I said, hugging her.

"What can I do?" She asked me whilst kissing my head.

"Be here. Be you. I will get better. Just traumatized. We'll make it through this." I said.

"Maybe you need more therapy sessions than you're having." Tara suggested.

"I'll see about that." I said.

"You promise?" She said.

"I promise." I responded.

We laid there a moment quietly.

"You are perfect, you know that?" I said to her.

"Don't gas me." She blushed.

"I'm serious. I don't think there's another girl in this world that could love me like this." I said.

"Then you better keep me." She danced.

I laughed, "I will."

"I better keep you too. I need my bodyguard." She joked.

"For sure, miss tiny." I poked her nose.

She giggled and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"We don't have to go anywhere today. Just enjoy home." She told me.

"Maybe I need that today."

She grabbed the remote and played some cartoons, and we watched until we fell back asleep.

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