Chapter 2: The Corner of First and Amistad

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 Elise's POV

 I awake in my not so cozy nor warm bed on this morning of Friday. It's around twelve thirty when I finally decide to actually open my eyes, but when I do, I'm a little disappointed. I reach out my hand to snuggle up against Natasha, but the left side of my bed is cold and empty. Was last night all a dream? God I hope not. I slide my legs off the side of the bed, sitting there with this hurt in my heart, and get up to walk into my kitchen. I grab a glass from my cupboard and pour some water into it and slowly take sips. It's a little cold in my apartment, so I grab my robe off my couch and slip it over my arms. As I'm about to lose hope and just believe that what happened last night was all a dream, a piece of paper falls off the kitchen counter onto the floor. I grab it and start reading:

 Hey Elise, 

I forgot I had to get up for work this morning. Sorry I didn't tell you last night, I guess it slipped from my mind. I saw you had a bunch of items on your shopping list, so I'm gonna get some of that for you. 

I look over at my fridge where I had my list, it was no longer there.

My shift ends at 1:30 then I have to go shopping, so I should be back around 2 or 2:30. See you then

 Love, Nat 

 I sit there smiling like an idiot, it was real. Last night wasn't a dream. Now all I have to do is wait for her to get back, it's about one o' clock now so I only have to wait about a hour or so. I take my cup of water and sit on my couch. As time goes on, I continuously think about what happened last night, and think about what I was feeling. Just thinking about it gives me butterflies. What is this I'm feeling for her? I can't put my finger on it. Oh, well, I'll let this little part of my life have some mystery. When I check the time, it's already two ten. I can't wait for her to get back, it feels like I'm a puppy waiting for her owner to get home. I know it's a weird analogy, but I'm going with it. It turns two twenty when I realize, I still don't have pants on. I literally look like I just rolled out of bed, well, I sort of did, but that's beside the point. Natasha was going to be here any moment and I'm still half naked. I lunge off the couch heading toward my room, when the door of my apartment opens. Natasha walks in with the groceries she said she would get. 

 She sets them down in the kitchen and walks over to where I'm standing. She takes one good look at me and laughs a little, "I'm starting to think you took the phrase "pants are for losers" a little to seriously." 

 Well, that's embarrassing. "Oh, yeah. I guess I just forgot to get changed." 

 I'm about to walk into my bedroom to get some actual clothes on when Natasha asks, "Do you have a shirt I can borrow? It's kind of cold and I only have a tank top on."

 "Oh, yeah. Sure." I usher her into my room, "my closet is right over there if you want to check out what's in it." I tell her as I pull a pair of jeans out of my dresser then walk into the bathroom to change. When I finish getting changed, I walk out of the bathroom and see Natasha looking through my closet. 

"You have a lot more black in her than I thought you would." she says rummaging through my clothes. 

"Well, yeah. I do like black clothes. Plus, I kept most of the clothes I wore when I was in a punk kind of phase." 

"Punk phase, huh?" 

"Yeah, I had purple hair and everything. Well, it was more like a home school punk look." 

 We both laugh and she grabs a black shirt from the closet, but she stands there staring at me.

 God she looks beautiful. 

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