Before your flight back to London, you finished up the rough version of the song, and could not wait to sing it for Alessia. From the airport, you went straight to Colney, knowing the team's training session was in progress. You stand to the side of the field as you watch the girls play, having gone unnoticed so far. When the whistle is blown to signal that their drill is done, Alessia is the first to notice you. She comes running your way and jumps into your arms. "You're back!" You hold her tight and spin her around. "Hi, Lessi baby, I've missed you." After putting her back down you share a short kiss before Leah joins in on the hug. Alessia stepped aside, but not going far, to give you a moment with your sister. One by one all the girls came to greet you, before heading back to training. Alessia kissed you once more before returning to training too, a "I'm so happy that you're back." Shouted your way from the striker that was running back to the field.

Once training was over, you headed back home. You still lived in the same apartment as three years ago, the only difference was that Alessia had moved back in, now sharing your room. Leah and Lia offer to pick up something for lunch, while you and Alessia have a moment together. You take her up to your shared room, and ask for some much needed cuddles.

When you hear the front door open, you head downstairs to have lunch all together, and spend a couple of hours catching up. You check your phone to see the time, "Oh, I have to go in a bit for sound check. Leah, how many of you were coming tonight?" Leah starts counting on her fingers, "Let's see, so it will be us three, as well as Beth, Kim, Laura, and Jen. So, that's seven, for sure and a few of the girls weren't sure yet. Can you put us down for twelve to be sure?" You smile, feeling grateful for how many of your friends were going to be able to make it. "Of course, I'll see you guys there." You hug Leah and Lia, before you kiss Alessia bye.

Performing in your home country was always very special, it was also your favorite place to sing your song ''. "Thank you all for an incredible night so far." You say looking out into the crowd. "As many of you know, London is very special to me. London is home." The crowd erupts in cheer as they know what is coming next. "It's an extra special evening, as there are a lot of people here tonight, that make London a home." You look over to the friends and family section where your friends are gathered. "You know who you are." The smile on your face grows when you see the girls cheering back at you.

You start strumming your guitar, "This is 'Home', hope you enjoy it." The rest of the band joins in.

'Cause they say home is where your heart is set in stone

It's where you go when you're along

It's where you go to rest your bones

It's not just where you lay your head

It's not just where you make your bed

As long as we're together, does it matter where we go?

You step away from the microphone, letting the crowd sing the rest of the chorus for you.





You continue the rest of your show with a few more songs from your setlist, as well as more interaction with the crowd, soaking in the last concert you'll be giving for a while. The evening was coming to an end, having played the last song on your setlist but you weren't done yet. "Everyone, can we get a big round of applause for Jimmy on the drums, Sarah on guitar, Brian on keys, and last but not least, Mandy on base?" You bow to them, as the crowd claps and cheers for them. The band makes their way off-stage, and you pick up your acoustic guitar for one last time this evening.

"I have one last song for you." The enthusiasm from the crowd was immaculate, and you hadn't even told them the surprise yet. "So, I have written a song over the past couple of days, and I would love to play a little bit from it for you tonight." After the crowd calmed down again, you continued. "I have literally just finished this, it has not yet been recorded, and no one has heard it yet. With that being said.." You let your eyes drift back to the friends and family box, "Alessia, baby, this one's for you. This is ' for the first time ever." You play the first few chords of the songs, while you watch your friends tease Alessia for her jaw dropping at the news. Alessia's eyes stay focussed on you, as she watches you with a big smile on her face, seeing you become one with your music. Your eyes closed as you were strumming your guitar. Before you start singing, you open your eyes and lock them with Alessia's.

I don't need a hundred roses waiting by the front door

I don't need a fancy house in the hills

You could rope the moon and bring me all the stars in heaven

It won't change how I feel

Even though the arena was filled with thousands of people, the crowd disappeared around you, as you were singing to just Alessia. A moment you would never forget.

You don't have to be a modern-day Shakespeare

You don't have to be anything you're not

You don't have to give me diamonds to impress me

Just give me your heart

Make me feel loved, make me feel beautiful

Make me feel dance around the room Cinderella kind of magical

Make me believe that I'm all that you'll ever need

Hold me close and make me feel a million kinds of wonderful

Baby, your touch, it's more than enough

Make me feel loved

You were pulled out of your moment with Alessia as the crowd went wild once you finished the song. After taking a bow, you speak your final words to the crowd. "Thank you all so much for making tonight the best ending to an amazing tour. Thank you for coming out!" With that you run off the stage.

Only a few moments after handing your guitar over to the crew, and another crew member taking your in-ear monitors from you, Alessia came running up to you, and jumped into your arms for the second time today. When you place her down on the ground again, you see tears in her eyes. "I love you so much, that song was amazing, and you are amazing. That was a beautiful performance, and I cannot believe that you wrote a song about me and then performed it in front of twenty thousand people." You hugged your girlfriend tight. "I love you too. You inspire me everyday, darling. So, I wanted to do something special." You share a sweet kiss with her, before taking her hand and walking down to your dressing room, where the rest of your friends were waiting.

You were so happy to be surrounded by your favorite people again, soaking in their laughter, smiles and hugs. Some girls wanted to go out for drinks, but you told them you had to rain check, since you were so tired. Alessia picked up on your words and offered to take you home, an offer you gladly accepted. She walked you to her white Mercedes, loving the opportunity to drive you around once again. Her hand was resting on your thigh, as the two of you listened to the radio.

Back home all you want to do is take a shower and fall asleep in Alessia's arms. Alessia being the amazing girlfriend that she was, knew exactly what you needed. "Why don't you head up, baby, I'll join you in a bit." She pecks your lips before heading into the kitchen. When you're done with your shower, clad in sweats and Alessia's hoodie, you enter your bedroom, where Alessia was sitting in some comfy clothes surrounded by your favorite snacks. "I know you want to sleep, but your body needs some food after all the energy you put into that show." You smile appreciatively, "You're the best."

After enjoying the food that Alessia prepared, you cuddle into her side. Quickly falling asleep in the arms of your favorite person.

Alessia Russo One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें