Shotaro would then stand up, shaking his left hand as a fist shape hole was in the ground. Dust landed on his black shin guards as he lowered his head and put his fists up in a offensive fighting stance. "So... you figured out that you could transform, traitor," Spider-Aug spoke.

    "I'm not a traitor, just want to keep my will and what is left of my humanity," Shotaro spoke with his voice slightly muffled due to the helmet.

    Spider would then stood up and slowly put his hands behind his back. "Like hell you aren't, those that defy Hydra are traitors," he said before raising his right hand and snapped his fingers. Causing the Hydra soldiers to surround Shotaro as he would just step back, "You're only a new born, you can't possibly have access to you're full stregnth."

    Shotaro would jump up high to the air as a few Hydra soldiers quickly pulled up their guns and shot at the augmented hero. The bullets only hit the armor of the Hydra soldiers, staggering them back before a punch came down to one of the soldiers, exploding the head as bone, gore, and blood painted the forest in red and several different bone fragments. Shotaro slowly raised his right fist and saw the dark crimson blood on his glove, then a soldier hit the back of Shotaro only to break his hand. Shotaro quickly elbowed the soldier which flunged him against a tree, a snap was heard before Shotaro quickly turned around and kicked through the chest of a Hydra soldier. He pulled his foot back before turning around and punched another soldier, blood painting the ground as the Hydra soldiers continued to try to fight but Shotaro was ending their existence with just a punch of even a kick.

    He turned to see that Spider-Augment was gone, he looked from left to right while trying to not look at the carnage he inflicted. He lowered his head to see that his hands were shaking with fear of the power he had. He shook his head before slowly putting his covered head in his hands, "W-what did I do?" He asked himself before going to his knees, "I...killed them," he spoke in a shakey voice and put his hands on the ground. "Why me? WHY ME?!" he yelled as he raised his right arm then slammed his fist to the ground which caused more damage.

    Shotaro would just stay there for a moment before he got up, he then took in a deep breath as he go to the bike. He got the bike back up and got on it before riding off, driving to a settlement in order to gain his bearings to where he was at. He lowered his head while the thoughts of what he did to those soldiers, wondering if he could even figure out how to control this power. He lifted his head and revved the bike engine once again before driving off within the forrest, leaving the dark thoughts behind for now.


    Several hours later, Shotaro would be in a warehouse with his suit still on and the bike was in the corner. He found a newspaper with the date on it, "No way," he whispered as he saw that it was seven days later when he first encountered Hydra. Shotaro then put the newspaper on a table before seeing a mirror in the distance, he went to it and saw the suit and armor he was wearing. "T-this is me?" He asked as he touched his reflection, then he slowly stepped back before putting the hands on the helmet before slowly taking it off. He got the helmet off and saw the human and grasshopper hybrid version of his face.

    His hands started to shake as tears filled his eyes at the sight of his genetic altered face. He would then just punch the mirror out of anger and sadness, causing the mirror to shatter and his fist going past the mirror and concrete. His eyes went wide as he pulled his left arm out before looking at the belt. He put his left hand on the center piston before going to the left silver box attached to the belt, then he pressed a button on the top of the box. The turbine in the center of the belt would start to spin in a counter clockwise as the suit would glow for a moment before dissapearing and his body returned back to human form.

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