Chapter 2

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"So what is so desperately important you have to bring me to a broom closet?" I glare at them, clutching my book to my chest as they sat me down in some random broom closet within the castle.

Fred sat down next to me, at face level. "Look, love. That map? That map is one a of kind-"

"I know. I saw." I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the slight shiver that sent down my spine. Did he just call me love?

"Well..." He gritted his teeth. "It's not just a little liquid luck you can make. It's special, and Filch has been peeved that someone took it. If he found out we stole it..."

"We're done. Finished. Possibly suspended." George said. "and If our mother found out we were suspended..." The twins looked at each other in a shared fear, making me chuckle.

"Alright, alright. You don't want me to tell Filch. My lips are sealed."

"No, we don't want you to tell anyone."

Like I had friends to tell. They didn't know that though, since the first time they had met me was today.

I slowly nodded, but George still seemed extremely suspicious.

"I don't trust her. She's a Slytherin, Freddie!"

Fred shook his head, deep in thought. "She seems-"

"Stop talking about me like I'm not right here."

"Sorry love," Fred said, swiftly getting up to whisper to his brother. I sat and watched them whisper between each other. This boy knew me for 15 minutes, and he was calling me love.

The weasleys were the heartthrobs of our year, if you could call it that. No one had ever dated, or been with them, but both were extremely flirtatious, especially Fred. Or so I've heard. Now I was seeing for myself and well, what I heard was not wrong.

I looked up and then and watched them whisper. I had never really talked to them, but I understood what people were saying when they said they were attractive. "Trade...trusted...fair....slytherin..." I only caught snippets here and there. I could only watch and wait for the verdict. Why there even was a verdict, I had no clue.

"What do you want?" They asked in unison.

I blinked. "What do you mean?"

"Is there anything you want right now, anything in the entire world?" Fred said dramatically.

"Within realistic terms, please." George bounced off him. How in the world I got shoved into a situation with the famous Weasley twins, where they're asking me what I want, I have no idea.


I thought for a moment. My life was content, except for one thing: Cormac. If they could possibly get rid of him, or just stop him from bullying me, my life would be a lot easier. And what were the twins known for? Pranks.

"You guys like pranks, right?" I asked.

Both Fred and George had a mischievous grin spread across their faces. It was like I triggered something.

"Like pranks? We love them!" Fred exclaimed.

"What does that have to do with anything?" George asked.

"Well... I need you to get someone to leave me alone."

There was no way this was happening. This had to be a dream.

"Who is it?" Fred asked, a hint of anger in his voice.

"Cormac McLagg-"

"Ugh!" Both of the twins rolled their eyes. "He's on the Quidditch team, we can't stand him!" George said. That was the first nice thing he had said to me all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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