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Cedric and Mora stayed back in the compartment (They didn't want to risk having to touch the toad), while Hermione and Zypher went to help find Neville's toad. They wandered the train, going into compartments and asking questions. But with no such luck in finding Treavor.

"My gran is going to kill me! Treavor is my only friend, and I lost him!" Neville exclaimed, making Hermione smile sadly in understanding.

"Hey, buck up. You don't need this stress. We have a few more compartments left, and besides, you have four new friends now. And I have no doubt you'll make more." Zypher told him, and then entered another compartment.

One of the boys in the compartment she recognized as Ron Weasley, but the other one she didn't. He had shaggy dark brown hair, with big baggy clothes that were too big for him. He wore circle glasses that were broken over his emerald green eyes.

Ron had his wand pointed at Scabbers, his family rat, seemingly like he was interrupted doing a spell.

"Have either of you seen a toad? Oh, you're doing magic? Let's see it then." Hermione said, sitting down with Zypher and Neville.

"Um, alright...Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this fat rat yellow!" Ron said, but nothing seemed to happen.

"Fred and George gave you that spell, didn't they?" Zypher asked empathetically.

"Mora did, actually. Damn her for giving me a boggess spell." Ron said with anger, making Zypher chuckle.

"I know some real spells. Here: Oculus Reparo." Hermione said, making the other boy take off his glasses to find them good as new.

"Holy cricket, you're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" She asked, pointing to Ron who had a mouthful of food.

"Ron Weasley." He replied through his food, making some spit out.

"Pleasure." Hermione said with a cringe.

"Well I'm Zypher Greengrass, as you know Ron, and this is Neville Longbottom." Zypher said, flicking Ron for speaking with food in his mouth.

"What house do you think you'll both be in? I'm leaning towards Gryfindor, but Ravenclaw wouldn't be so bad." Hermione asked, repeating the same thing she said earlier.

"As long as it's not Slytherin. I don't like what I've been told about them." Harry Potter said with a scared face.

"There is nothing wrong with Slytherin. They just have a bad reputation because of the amount of dark wizards were in that house. Every house except Hufflepuff has had dark wizards come out. But most of the snobby pure-bloods go to Slytherin, and almost all of them worked for Voldy." Zypher explained, making Ron groan.

"Enough with that nickname for you-know-who, Zypher! It's bloody bad enough already with you wanting to be in Slytherin." He complained, making Zypher flick him again.

"We're going to leave now. If you see a toad, please catch it and give it back to Neville. And Ron, it's your own fault that you believed Mora." She said, and Hermione and Neville followed her out of the compartment.

After a few more minutes of searching, Zypher heard something.

"I think I heard a croak." She announced, causing Neville to perk up.

"THERE!" Zypher said, and dived into a seat.

She stood up after a bit, and to Neville's delight, a slimy toad was in her hands.

"Treavor!" Neville exclaimed happily, taking his toad in his hands.

His and Zypher's hand brushed slightly, making Neville blush.

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