23. Shivani

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"Stressed about what" he said squeezing my hand twice "you know it's me"

"Right, it's you"
I gave him the brightest and biggest smile which he happily reciprocated.

Maybe this is not too bad, maybe we could become friends again like old times.

The ceremony began
Everybody started clicking pictures.
Half of them were on the food stall and half of them very giggling at us, while me and advit looked at each other in awkwardness.

It felt like it was my birthday and Everybody wanted to feed me the cake and get a picture clicked with me, which was happening.

"Aree ab aap jayiye, photo main khichti hu"
I heard my mother say to some random aunty.

After everything was finally over, it was time to give envelopes to everyone, even I got one and I stole another from shivaansh like always.

Well at least I got money.

The ceremony ended.
During the whole ceremony I was kept away from the food which is clearly cruelty.

Everyone was starting to depart from the hall while I was starting to stuff food in my mouth.
Advit and shivaansh came and stood beside me.

"You really were hungry,huh?"
My brother was so annoyed at me for no reason or maybe because I stole his envelopes filled with money but whatever.

"Let her eat in peace."
Advit said smacking my brother's arm.
Finally someone has my back now, mumma always supports her son.

Typical Indian mom


I was sitting on my bed, scrolling through Instagram while everybody bombarded into my room again, this has now become a ritual.

"We are going to india"
My mother announced

"Figured" advit and shivaansh said together while taking a seat on the couch right beside me.

"I can't, I have a pending case"
I said scrolling through my phone not wanting to look up because If I do My mother will not spare me

"That case can wait"
My now fiancé announced from the couch beside.
His comment made me look at him in astonishment.

I didn't think he would say this

"It's against me, it can wait, the wedding comes first"
He added unbothered

Why is he being like this, I thought he didn't want to marry me, even shivaansh was looking at him like a clueless puppy, tilting his head in amusement.

"Ok, book the tickets for tomorrow, see if they are available"
Advits mother told shivaansh to do the unbelievable.
How will you guys find tickets for tomorrow, impossible!

Everybody started to leave but I pulled advit by his collar and pulled inside the room to confront the shit out of him.

"Why are you being like this?
What do you mean the case can wait?
What do you mean wedding comes first?"

"This is all a mess, I have to stay in London for more than a year now because I have to expand this industry and I can't do this with them annoying me every now and then, so it's better to get it over quickly"

"You broke up with me, I didn't,
And now you wanna marry me?"

"My parents are begging me too and besides why do you keep bringing up that topic again and again?"

His words shattered something inside me, I don't know if it was my heart or my soul but something for died in me that day.
I didn't know his words could hurt me this much again but they did again and again I fell for it.

"Fine let's get this over with, for your sake"
I left his hand and moved out of the room slamming the door and he followed me outside

"Shivani....I didn't mean to hurt...."
He was about to finish his sentence but shivaansh said something I couldn't believe.

"Kal ki tickets ho gayi hai, biroooossss!"

(I have booked the tickets for tomorrow, bros!)

Both me and advit were amused at his statement,
It was impossible, London to India tickets are very hard to get especially during the diwali season and it was impossible to get it in such a short period of time and to all of our questions ge had one answer, an answer only shivaansh could give.

"I am shivaansh"

Both me and advit shared look,he must be wondering what kind of a friend he has and I was wondering what kind of brother did God give me.

Well I guess I have to start packing now and get this shit over with.
The more it gets delayed the more I hurt my feelings.


I was in my room's balcony, looking at the stars, wondering what life has come to when suddenly someone hugs me from the back.

I could feel it was him, so I didn't move,
I don't why but I wanted him there and that too desperately.

He slid his hand under the loose shirt I was wearing.
He slowly ran his hand across my waist but he didn't know what this delicate action did to me.

His hand slowly traveled upward towards my cleavage.
He ran his thumb through my cleavage which made me whimper under him.
I knew he liked the effect he had on me.

His hand then pressed my boob lightly making me moan.
His one hand moved over my nipple while he caressed my collar bone sucking it lightly.

He then slid his other hand through my waist to turn me around and look at him.

The next moment he smashed his lips over mine gently kissing me.
I grabbed his hair pulling him towards me making both of our bodies shiver.

His hands were still under my shirt, he then slid my t-shirt over me breaking the kiss for a minute.
He kissed me again picking me up making me cross my legs around his waist.

"Get up, get the f up.....oh god why are you so sweaty?"

I heard my brother freaking out as I opened my eyes and realized I was dreaming.

"I am awake....stop"
I told him

"God! I thought you died, freshen up we have to leave"

Did I just have a sexdream.
What the fuck


Did I just write a lil smut, don't come at me, I tried.
It's hard to write smut okay.

Guys koi typo ho toh comment, I am too lazy to check and too exhausted as well.

Ps: go back, read it again....I fixed the typos

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