Part 5

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My head feels so groggy, my bones ache and I can most definitely smell leftover kebab. I can't bear to open my eyes yet, I have no idea what is going to greet me when I do. I groan and pull the covers up over my head, I really need to sort my life out, the fear was well and truly kicking in.

I stretch my legs out and feel my feet brush against something, I grudgingly open my eyes to find Amy sprawled out at the bottom of my bed and I giggle. It's not the first time I've woken up to this sight.

Looking around the room it doesn't actually seem too bad...apart from the food cartons all over the floor, and on that note the cold pizza actually looks pretty appetising.

"Amy...wake uuuup" I groan, nudging her with my feet.

"Noooooo..." she moans, shielding her eyes from the light, and nudging me back.

"Why are you even down there? You can get in with me you know" I laugh.

She drags herself up and scoots under the covers with me. We take one look at each other and burst out laughing, which soon turns into hysterics.

"I have to tell you something Lily..." she whispers when we finally stop and compose ourselves, she covers her face and groans but the smile on her face tells me it can't be too bad.

"I kissed Luke last night..." she continues, peeking through her fingers to gauge my reaction.

"What?? When?" I practically squeal, casting my mind back to last night and how i could possibly have missed this?

"When I went out to answer the call from my mum, he came out for some fresh air, and we got chatting..." she trails off but she can't wipe the grin off her face.

"Oh fresh air really?" I say with air quotes and a sarcastic smile. Which makes her giggle and hit me with a pillow.

"So yeah we got chatting and he was asking if you were okay and saying he felt awkward standing with Michael and Ruby so he came out for some fresh air..." She smirks at me but my stomach has just dropped and I feel sick.

"Wait...back it up...Michael and Ruby?" I ask.

"Um yeah, they were just chatting I think but it was kinda flirty...? I dunno really" she mumbles and plays with her hair.

Why does that feel like a kick in the teeth? He flirts with my friend and then turns into a sarky asshole at me for simply talking to his?

"Ooookay" I roll my eyes, "...anyways back to you and Luke" I manage a feeble smile but prepare to listen as she rambles on with that massive grin on her face...


Ok so this was definitely more than a hangover, I feel like shit. I was currently cocooned by my duvet on the sofa with my second box of tissues, watching KUWTK when I don't even like the fucking Kardashians??

Me: Please love me, I'm dying :'''(

Amy: Self inflicted = no sympathy :-p

Me: No...I'm poorly :-( throat is raw and I can't stop sneezing!

Amy: Aaaaw babe <3 big hugs! Btw has Michael text you yet?

Me: Nope, and thanks for the love <3

Amy: What an assmunch!

Me: Couldn't have put it better myself lol! Has Luke text you....?

Amy: Yeah :-D

Aw man she was so cute when she's into someone, and Luke seems like a really sweet guy. I'm happy for her but I suddenly feel really sad and sorry for myself...I'm going to blame it on being unwell, it sucks ass.


I wake up absolutely covered in sweat and my throat feels like it's on fire, I throw the covers off and glance at the clock.

3.05 am

I manage to drag myself off the sofa and into my bedroom, opening the windows and taking some painkillers before collapsing into bed. I so badly needed a hug right now. I check my phone to find a voicemail from Amy squealing about Luke asking her on a date and a text from her asking how I'm feeling.

And 4 texts from Michael.

I hover over his name for a few seconds before opening it.

Michael: I'm sorry :-(

Michael: I'm weird sometimes and I have no explanation for why I acted like that

Michael: And I heard you weren't feeling very well so I left some gay girlie magazines and a bar of chocolate outside your door...#stalkeralert

Michael: P.s please don't hate me

I can't stop the smile creeping onto my face even though I wanna stay mad at him...I manage to get up and investigate the goods. Bringing them inside I smile widely, the boy done good, 2 of my favourite magazines and a big ass bar of chocolate.

Maybe I could forgive him just this once.

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