A Southside Initiation

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January 8th, The Red Devil Bar, Small Valley 10:44am
Y/n St. John

Dad would probably kill me if he found out I was here on the Southside but fuck him, he may like to hide out in the hills on the Northside but not me. I want to seek something interesting, that's why I'm stood across the street from The Red Devil Bar, which is apparently a hotspot for Southside residents.

I haven't been to the Southside in a long time as I've had no reason to but you could really tell the difference between both sides of Small Valley, the streets here were messy and I passed 4 passed out junkies sleep on the sidewalk during the walk here.

The Southside is made up of mostly factories and saw mills that were owned by Northside residents, just another little jab at the less financially fortunate of this town.

The houses that I saw all looked the same, the only thing that gave the houses their own style was the junk in the front yards, scraped cars, trash or tables with left over dice or cards from a game interrupted by what I could only guess was either a shooting or a fight breaking out.

I walk across the street towards the entrance to the bar, when I got close to the door I reached my hand towards the handle of it only for the door to suddenly swung open and I was met with the sight of a young man my age.

He and I stared at each other for a few seconds, his E/c colored eyes looking into my own hazel colored ones. His messy H/c hair rested upon his forehead. "Yo." He simply greeted and I nodded to him in return before stepping aside to let him pass, I then walked into the bar.

I looked around the place and boy was it a shithole, drunks stumbled about randomly shouting things at one another while others laughed loudly, this was a far cry from then what I was used to on the Northside but whatever.

I scanned the room for Emma and spotted her sitting at a booth.

I made my way over to her and she saw me as I approached. "Well if it ain't the other Y/n." She greeted with a smirk making raise my brows. "Other Y/n?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yup, you just missed the other one. Big guy E/c eyes, H/c hair, usually has a glare on his face." My eyes widened as I thought back to the guy I walked past on my way in. "That was Y/n L/n?" I asked and Emma nodded. "Yup, The Delinquent Of The South Side himself, just finished talking to him." She said with a smile while motioning me to sit down which I obeyed and sat across from her.

"What'd he want with you?" I asked with curiosity. "Apparently the night before last a friend of mine named Jenna Ortega went on a date with him, during that date they got ambushed by some of your fellow Northsiders, he wasn't able to get a good look at his attackers." Emma explained while I just sat there listening to her as she continued.

"Last night at the party I overheard Jacob Warren boasting to his friends about how they ganged up on the "Freak Of Small Valley" put two and two together and called him over to inform him on who attacked him and Jenna that night." She finished making me nod and lean more into the seat laying my arm along the top.

"Sounds like something Warren would do, so they jumped L/n?" I asked making Emma chuckle. "More like attempted to, Y/n ended up kicking all their asses." She responded which made me smile. "Anyways, I wasn't expecting you to actually show up here on the Southside. You got some balls being here as a Northsider" She said while leaning on the table on her elbow with her chin rested on her palm.

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