"Then she made a mistake. Nobody does it like you, Lilly." His words paired with the sincerity in his expression make my chest tighten and a smile rises on my lips. Everette has somehow always known the right thing to say to me. He can always make me feel better.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty sure there are quite a bit of people who do it like me, and more who do it even better." He rolls his eyes and pushes off of the counter, turning and opening the cabinet to grab two bowls and then two spoons out of the drawer below.

"You're anxious today." It's not a question. He always knows.

I don't answer. I just watch as he fills the two bowls and makes his way around the island where he sets my bowl in front of me and then situates himself in the stool next to mine.

"When will you learn I can fix my bowl? Or plate? Hey, I can also cook for myself, if you didn't know." My voice is playful, but there is some seriousness to my words. I feel bad. He always cooks and he always plates my food. There have been a few times where I beat him to it, but then he gets sassy. Although, he does let me dry the dishes after he washes them.

Truthfully, pushing aside the guilt I feel from it, I appreciate it. Look forward to it, even. Everything in my life I do on my own. It's nice to have him take care of me. It's like he understands that.

"Maybe in another eight years..." He feigns trailing off in thought before shaking his head and dunking his spoon into his soup. "Nope. Not even then." He eats the spoonful of soup with a smug expression on his face while squinting his eyes with a smile.

"Okay, enough about me. How was your day? I didn't have time to watch your scrimmage, so give me a recap." I swirl my spoon around in my soup, waiting for it to cool off a bit as Everette takes another...bite? What do you even call it when you eat soup?

"Oh, yeah...the scrimmage was fine." He side-eyes me in a way that lets me know nothing about it was fine. I can't help but let a snicker out as he sighs, giving in to my reluctant stare. "Okay, but before I tell you what happened, you have to promise not to give me one of those disappointed talks."

"I promise. Now spill." I finally taste my soup, waiting for him to begin talking.

"Everything was fine at first. Just a normal scrimmage. You could even say it was anticlimactic-"

"Stop stalling. Get to the good stuff."

"Well, you know how Barnes is recovering from that ankle injury?" Aaron Barnes. New York Blades's very own golden (retriever) boy. He's one of Everette's favorite teammates and an exceptionally good player. About two weeks ago he sprained his ankle pretty bad during a game and hasn't been able to play up until recently.

"Mhm." I hum, swallowing another mouth full of the food.

"It was towards the end, we were winning, and the opposing team didn't like that very much. One of their defensemen stupidly decided to go for Barnes and slam him into the boards during a play. I saw it all happen, and I got angry." He takes a sip of his water and swallows it before smacking his lips together and letting out an "ahh" sound as if it's the most refreshing drink he's ever had.

"Angry, meaning you fought him."

"Angry, meaning I was over there and beating him before he could see me and defend himself...not something I'm proud of, okay?" He glances over at me to see the flat look on my face. I'm not disappointed...Everette's always been hot-headed. I've gotten used to it by now. It's more that I'm trying to hide my adoration that mixes with a weird fluttery feeling.

Yes, he's my best friend whom I'm so proud of and I promise I tell him every chance I get...but there are these moments that it feels like more than that. Like just now instead of thinking 'Wow, my best friend Everette is so protective and caring of his friends and I admire him for that.' I'm trying to stop thinking, 'Wow, Everette is hot when he gets all mad and protective of the people he loves...I wish I could show him how much I admire him for that.'

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