"Easy for you to say. I'm shocked you haven't exploded yet without your sheep's stomach." The masked man retorted, he really was pissed he couldn't have the cuisine, like, an 'I'm gonna be pissy until i get one' until they got back home. Thankfully, they shot people for a living, so that would be quickly taken care of.

"Never put down haggis. See the way me maw makes it. Fuckin' Christ its heaven on earth." He started, his mouth drooling at the thought, his head falling back. "After you of course, Flower." He whispered into Theresa's ear, who had been listening to the boy's banter as she ate her cereal and drank her coffee. 

"Isn't that sweet?" She hummed, downing the rest of her caffeine, deciding she needed another kick, before grabbing both his cup and hers and taking them to the closest machine she could find.

"When's the wedding?" Simon asked simply once Theresa was out of earshot. Not that he would've minded her hearing, he just needed a bit of entertainment to take his mind off the sting of no full English, which he will be bitchy about for a while, and teasing his two favourite -  'sorry Gaz mate, but you're not here' - sergeants seemed the perfect way to alleviate that.

John just looked up at him for a moment, before looking down at his plate, fascinated with his - tortilla? He wasn't sure. Tastes nice though. He shrugged before mumbling a quiet 'I dunno' as he cut into the maybe a burrito, taking another bite.

"You fucked up with her that badly?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, unsure of whether he needed to be sympathetic or could be joking (and bitchy about no Full Fucking English).

"No. Just not marrying her tomorrow. Sorry to disappoint."

Theresa sat back down with her fourth shot of coffee, she had downed a couple at the machine, striking up a conversation with a Private who told her she would be fucking amazing to go out on a night out with if she could put back shots the same way she took back coffee, which led to her new friendship with Isabella, one of the only other female soldiers she could find in the sea of males. Also leading to their setting up a date to actually go out and do that once they were free, before she left.

She set John's cup back in front of him, regretting not getting a fifth cup, knowing this one wouldn't magically give her the energy she needed. But it'll be waiting for her at 2 in the morning, making her contemplate things and wonder if she would be able to run across the earth really quick with the amount of energy knows she'll have.

"Thanks, Lass." John said, instinctively pressing a kiss to her cheek. He hadn't even realised he had until he noticed the faint pink tint of Theresa's cheeks, and he prayed to whatever God existed that Ghost hadn't noticed. 

If he had, he was surely good at hiding it, because it looked like the man had finally come up with a solution to his tea and toast problem, as they were both practically wiped from existence in the three seconds the Scotsman hadn't been looking at him.

"Buenos días, amigos!" (Good morning, comrades) Alejandro said cheerily, walking up to the three, sitting next to Ghost, who had now entirely inhaled the tea and slice of toast, and was munching the rest of it under his mask.

"Laswell is in Spain looking for the missiles, so there isn't much for us to do until we hear from her." He told them, sending a wave to the last of the Vaqueros leaving the mess hall.

"Any idea where Hassan went after you left him back?" Theresa asked, finishing the last of her coffee. 

"No, guess is that some of his men or the cartel will have picked him up by now. What's left of it, anyway."

"Any chance he's laying dead in a ditch being eaten by coyotes?" The Brit asked, a rare joking tone in his voice.

"Con un poco de suerte.." (With a bit of luck..) He murmured under his breath, smirking at Ghost's comment. "If you don't have any plans for today, there's a game room I think you'll enjoy. The Vaqueros set it up not so long ago for when they have long shifts and have to pass the time."

"That sounds great, mate." Soap said thankfully, stretching his arms. "Maybe you can teach us Spanish.." He said with a smirk. "Make a game of it."

The Colonel and the Sergeant looked at each other, the same look on their faces.

"Sería divertido.." (Could be fun..) Alejandro said, looking over the two men as he spoke.

"Podría ser.." (Could be..) Theresa agreed, looking over them both as well, covering her smirk with her hand at the confused look on Johnny's face as he tried to figure out what they were talking about.



This chapter was going to be longer, but it is currently almost midnight and I have school tomorrow. I also fucked up my foot like 3 hours ago, and it is quite literally, murdering me the way that the fact there is no full English breakfasts is killing Ghost (;))

Anyways, I pinky promise with a big fat cherry on top that I'll try and upload more, but I do have exams and my teachers think that its a really fun and awesome idea to load me with tons of homework every day, which makes it slightly harder to write.

I'll stop with the excuses and apologise one more time.

Sorry x)

The Sergeant and His Flower 🌼 (Soap MacTavish × Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin