002 | Restaurant

222 6 2

Sanemi POV

    "I insist!!" Kanae asserted, and we did end up going with after all, the other Kocho seemed to be on edge the whole time, minus when she got her Ginger Tsukudani—which was apparently her favorite food—her eyes brightened at her food, but my gaze remained on the older Kocho, on how delicate and dreamy she is—

'What the fuck?' My eyes shot back to the Ohagi that was laying on my plate, still perfectly untouched as I thought to myself, grabbing my food and biting on it leisurely. 'Tsk, get it together, Sanemi.'

I felt a gaze on me as I turned around, and looked at Masachika who was next to me, and had a glint of amusement in his eyes when he watched me quietly, and then I knew he figured it out when I gave him a skeptical glance. "Fuck you looking at?"

    "Ahh! Nothing! Nothing." Masachika then gave me a small smirk as he focused back on his food, I turned around once more to see the two butterfly girls giving me weird glance, especially the little one.

The short-haired girl gave me an annoyed do-not-touch-my-sister glare before she stood up and buckled her belt firmer around her waist, giving her sister an uneasy smile before she headed out the door for her mission, leaving me, Masachika and Kanae alone.

Masachika POV:

I saw the chance and gobbled my rice up hungrily, Sanemi gave me an irritated look when he saw how animalistic I was eating, his eyes narrowing when he started speaking. "Have you not eaten in decades or something?"

    "Shinazugawa-kun! I think that's quite rude... maybe Kumeno-kun is just really hungry!" Kanae replied with a pout on her face, her tone stern and confused? I couldn't really work it out but I continued stuffing my face hurriedly.

    "Sure." Sanemi rolled his eyes, his own tone unfazed and confused by my sudden hurry, and I knew he was definitely staring at me right now.

I chuckled quietly, the embarrassment painted on my face soon turned to mischievousness as I stood up, excusing myself to the washroom.

  'This has to get them closer!' I thought to myself, my grin growing wider as I slipped into the washroom swiftly.

Sanemi POV:

    "Ahh, okay, Kumeno-kun.. I hope you're feeling well!" Kanae murmured, her face concerned before she looked back at me, her eyes splashed pink with a hint of purple as she started talking once again. "I hope he's okay."

    "He's fine." I whispered, tsking silently as I stared at Masachika, watching him disappear into the bathroom door. 'The fuck was that all about?'

    "I see, I mean... If you say so..." Kanae whispered back, my eyes moved back to her face, the Ohagi I was eating pausing halfway to my mouth as my eyes narrowed even more.

My blood boiled at the sight of Kanae being so concerned and worried for Masachika.I hate how she could get so concerned about him. About anyone.

I hate how much I wanted to hold her and kiss her right now. All the fucking time,

and I hate how much I like her.

  'How possessive, I like it.' I thought to myself, a small smirk crossing my mouth before I flattened it. I tried to ignore the thoughts screaming at me as much as possible, Yet I couldn't ignore that uneasy feeling. It was untypical.

The irritation in my chest flared before I brushed it off, biting on my food without looking at the woman in front of me.

After a while, our gazes met, and Kanae's lips parted as if to say something, only to be interrupted by a sneaking Masachika.


    "Boo!" Masachika shouted, not scaring neither Sanemi nor Kanae as she giggled and Sanemi turned around with an annoyed expression, his intent murderous as he stared at Masachika, making him retract slowly into his before-jumpscare-position back behind the seats.

Kanae seemed to sense the sudden violence coming from Sanemi to Masachika, she blinked blankly, not knowing what to do as she laughed brightly.

The awkwardness of the earlier moment seemed to fade away blissfully as they all laughed off together, Masachika snickered in the back while Sanemi starting chuckling at Kanae's reaction.


 'Seems like they're having fun.' He thought, emptily spying at the three figures on the table next to his, his grin growing wider.

'Well, what a shame.. it won't last for long.'


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