A new light

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This will be a royal AU for my nasty fantasy babies. I was gone for a bit because my bf broke up with me, I got sick. I had my birthday last month on the 18th yur and I got a new bf like two weeks ago, so I've had some shit happen, so yes I'm back and requests are open. Furthermore, I will be doing this for me though, before I start doing the requests! ————————————————————————
200 years ago in a kingdom called
Amoriana, it was a beautiful nation with wonderful people. It was a kingdom filled with fairies, elves, pixies, unicorns anything you name it! The nation stayed far away from any types of conflicts that could happen...until one awful day, humans attacked. It was a war that broke out all over the eight nations, all eight being Santeria, a kingdom of ice and snow filled with nothing but blizzards as far as the eye can see. Luntro a kingdom of water. Their nation is an underwater city some call the lost city of Atlantis...Pyrix a kingdom of fire, their warriors having nothing but heat in their hearts and war on their minds...Antron the nation known to the shadows after the late queen suqua passed, all the beautiful nation dried out not much is known about them today as they went into isolation six years ago. Matron an empire that was blessed with the spirits of the wind, their nation keeps themselves closed off from the world. Amorn a kingdom of light that was blessed with a "Holy Spirit" when in their time of darkness and need. And lastly, Amoriana a kingdom of great magic and peace. They keep themselves closed off to avoid any problems that could be caused. After the war, the nations were never the same until eight years later, when a man who shall not be named arrived and had the kingdoms sign a peace treaty. After the kingdoms all signed, the world had its balance back until...a beautiful blessing was brought into existence and her name was Amora princess and soon to be crowned queen of Amoriana her mother Relamin Whitehall and her father Radmic Whitehall were both very pleased with her birth as she was an elf as they presumed she would be they didn't know her gift would be, would it be a blessing or a curse...? ————————————————————————
Present day
(2 weeks before her coronation day
Amora was commonly found frolicking in the woods with her personal pixies rusha and misa they both adored her and weighed on her hand and foot. Amora and the kingdom weren't the only ones excited about the upcoming coronation. Suitors from all over were receiving invitations to the kingdom because she would need a king to rule alongside her as queen for the burden of royalty is far greater than commoners can understand or most in Amoras eyes, everyone is the same whether you were born rich or poor crowned as a lord or given the boot for being for told the dangers of treating someone of lower status as if their nothing. While Amora was in the woods, she was in her secret grove that only she knew of, apart from her pixies. She was singing a tune, as all elves do. Now what was this tune? Oh, nobody knew. "In a forest so green, where magic is seen,
The elf sings a tune, to the moon up above.
With flowers so bright, and stars shining light,
The elf dances and twirls, in nature's pure light.
From the whispering trees, to the buzzing of bees,
The elf feels the rhythm, of the earth's gentle breeze.
The rivers that flow, with a mystical glow,
reflecting the beauty, where the elf's heart has come.
So let's cherish the land, and lend a helping hand,
To protect nature's wonders, for generations to come." her voice was magical. It was like, regardless of what she did or what sang, it was beautiful. While Amora was singing, she was walking around and tripped over something. It was a boy with black hair and red eyes. It couldn't be it was prince Lucious Romestan she had heard rumors of his captivating looks, but she never believed a man could be so attractive. He looked to be asleep. Somehow he was wearing what a usual prince would wear but in black and gold and Amora was wearing a forest green dress with gold detailing her hair black with dark green streaks her eyes were golden which made her special as gold eyes only happened once a millennium if you're lucky. After a few moments, Amora tapped him to get his attention and when he looked at her, he sat up rather quickly. "Where am I? Who are you? How did I get here!" Lucious seemed to have a hazy memory of what happened. "Well as for where you are, you're in Amoriana and I am Amora, but close friends call me Amor now the answer to how you got here, I do not quite know I would be willing to take you back to my castle until you can remember!" She held out her hand for him to take it, but Lucious didn't know his strength and accidentally pulled her down with him. "Oh damn my apologies I swear I'm not usually like this, are you alright?" Lucious sounded a bit nervous, like as if she were mad at him, she wasn't she didn't have a bone in her body that could make her mad at anyone. That's just how she was born. "It's quite alright. I assure you I'm perfectly fine, you didn't hurt me!" She was smiling, she could have sworn he was blushing but told herself she was seeing things. "So your highness, what exactly were you doing in my garden, if I may ask?" Amora wanted to know the answer as she was a curious gal and anytime an answer was needed she had to find it was just a habit of hers... "I actually don't know your highness, and please just...call me Lucious...!" He smiled at her. "Alright then Lucious!" She giggled and smiled, taking his hand and leading him to the castle. ————————————————————————
Alright that's the end my children it was a short one, but I was just getting into this I've recently been trying to focus less on anime fan-fiction and more on people I come up with. I won't take much of your time bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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