Chapter 2: Weekdays of a typical army.

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I went to bed early and woke up at the alarm at six, but... The entire base was asleep! Except, perhaps, for the sentries.

Having quickly washed my face and after toilet, I spent ten minutes making the bed and another five getting dressed. An army is an army, in army everything is done quickly.

Walking outside, I took a deep breath of still slightly cool air. Clear morning blue skies, high stratus clouds, and red-golden bright sun! Beauty! It's just embarrassing that I'm the only one on my feet. Sentries will go to bed, apparently at eight.

However, sergeant, who had also just gotten up, was calmly warming up on the training ground, and looked in immense surprise when I approached him:

— Why aren't you sleeping, private?

— Um... What do you mean? Six in the morning, "Soldiers get up!"...

— Wake-up call at seven!

Looking at sergeant, who was without armor and put his hands on his hips, I sighed:

— In the Army soldiers always got up at six in the morning, Sergeant. In pre-war times. So I follow the regime, sir.

Dornan suddenly cocked his head to the side in interest. After hesitating a little, I had to say:

— Well... Wake-up call at six, five minutes to go to the toilet and wash the face, ten minutes to get dressed, another ten to make the bed and tidy up the place. Fifty minutes to charge. Then, at seven, a ten-minute inspection, soldier must show that he keeps his sleeping and personal space in order and clean, then - breakfast. Breakfast lasts thirty minutes. From eight to noon physical activitirs, trainings, shooting and drill training. Half past twelve lunch, also thirty minutes. From one to three in noon is personal time for rest and leisure. At three thirty, ten minutes for afternoon tea. From three fifty till evening, trainings until six. At six thirty, cleaning the barracks and toilets, servicing equipment and maintaining the general area of a milotary unit. Supper at seven, also thirty minutes. At seven thirty to seven forty-five in the evening there is cleaning in the dining room, a cleaning shift in the kitchen. From seven fifty to nine is personal time. At nine, inspection of places and roll call. At nine thirty lights out. Somehow like that...

Dornan muttered something, but then straightened up.

— Outstanding! Now stand up, private! Since you're already on your feet, you'll get through the workout before everyone else! Am i clear?!

Startled by his bark, I obediently stretched out. This monster, even without power armor was so taller than me that the top of my head rested against his collarbone.

Sergeant walked around me in a circle and poked me hard between the shoulder blades, causing me to almost fly off with my nose into the ground.

Dornan poked me this way and that, and then unceremoniously raised my hand, and I was only in army pants, combat boots and a T-shirt, and almost disgustedly rubbed my flaccid, and frankly, flabby triceps:

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