🌃 | Mikey Has Had Enough

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(Mikey gets his first win in speedrunner vs. hunter in an unexpected and gruesome way.)

(2,105 words)

Mikey was waiting outside outside of the cave. He had been given guns for today's game, which was suprising - usually JJ had all of the overpowered weapons or abilities. He was supposed to stay next to the emerald idol until the five minutes were up, but something told him to come here early.

However, apparently, Mikey's "advantage" didn't matter. He'd memorized the script for him and JJ's new video already: JJ would win, as usual. Mikey had only been given the special abilities to save face, for both him and the fans of their YouTube channel. In fact, the entire time, the script said that Mikey would barely get to interact with JJ at all. He'd spend the entire time chasing after him cluelessly, like a chicken with its head cut off, while JJ casually crafted a diamond pickaxe, snuck around him, and broke the emerald statue. At the end of the day, it was all still the same trope.

And right now, he was still being forced to hold back for five minutes while JJ got a headstart.

"I'm sick of it." Mikey decided. A headstart wasn't fair in the slightest. He started to feel rage building up inside of him, and eventually, he decided enough was enough; he was tired of JJ always having the upper-hand in every challenge they did together. Remembering the script, he decided to ditch it entirely, and went inside the cave to look for JJ while the five minutes were still running.

Breaking past JJ's "barrier" built at the front of the cave, Mikey eventually found him. He'd just got done fighting after finding some iron, and he was already about to evolve from stone tools to iron ones. The challenge hadn't even fully started yet.

Mikey got out one of the guns he'd been given. The script hadn't allowed him to use it, but he was going to anyway. It was a shotgun.

He cocked the weapon and pointed it at his target. He would've already used it by now, but he wanted a little bit of confrontation first.

After hearing the noise, JJ flinched and turned to find his best friend pointing a shotgun right at him. Although he was taken aback by this, he tried to hide it.

"Mikey, what are you doing?" JJ demanded, reaching over and turning off the GoPro he'd been using to record the video so far. "The five minutes aren't up yet, and you're not supposed to use that gun. Now we have to start all over! Put that thing away and let's go back to the emerald idol. I don't know why you think you can just break the rules all of a sudden, but it's already annoying me, and next time, you're going to get more than just a scolding. I spent so long recording that, you know! So go, get back to the start. And this time, don't ruin it."

"Who do you think you are, ordering me around like that?" Mikey snapped. "I can do whatever I want, and you don't get to decide any of it! I'm sick of you always trying to control and take advantage of me, like I'm some sort of-"

"What's gotten into you?" JJ interuppted. "It's literally not that serious! Get your shit together right now, because I want to post this video toda-"

Mikey had absolutely had it now. He fired the shotgun, aiming right at JJ's leg. Breaking his demeanor instantly, he howled in pain and fell backwards, giving Mikey the opportunity to pin him to the ground. Using one of his knees to hold him down by his chest, Mikey took his shotgun and pressed it against his head.

Already hyperventilating due to his blasted open leg, JJ screamed once he realized that same weapon was threatening to do even more damage this time.

"What the fuck did you do to my leg?" He wailed, breathing heavily as he looked down at his new wound. He was shaking intensely. He tried to get out from under Mikey's hold, but he completely froze when he heard him cocking the shotgun again.

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