Treech sighed, leaning his forhead against the bars, "I feel terrible."

"For Lamina?" She frowned.

"You should have seen her face, I just abandoned her."

"Its better of that way." Avi shrugged, and Treech turned to look at her like she was crazy, "it'll be easier if someone takes her out for you."

"Are you insane?" Treech asked her.

"Treech." She began, remembering a handfull of advice she had learned in her own time in the arena, "If it were just you and her in the games, would you kill her?"

"What?" He looked taken back by her question.

"Would you?" She asked again.

Treech took a moment to answer, "No." he finnally decided, "i wouldn't." It was more firm now, like he was sure of it.

"Then dont let it come to that."

"So If Coral and Mizzen were about to kill her, im just supposed to let them?" He said it, like the thought alone offended him. It was like asking him to turn away from everything he ever knew, his only sense of home, sure he had betrayed her, by choosing Coral and Mizzen, if he hadnt it would have put a target on his back, but he couldnt just leave her to die.

"Would you rather kill her?" Avi looked at him, as if she knew what that was like. The rememberance alone trailing up her bones, and huanting her, she couldnt forget it.

"Did you kill Leer?" He asked, starling the girl, but his expression remained the same. He was angry. Avi didnt answer him, only remaining silent, as she looked anywhere, but his eyes, leaving him to repeat himself, "Did you?" He said it more firmly now, the anger rising in his tone. 

"I—" Avi could feel tears well up in her eyes, at just the thought of Leer itself.

"Answer me." He demanded, a sense or urgency in his voice. It was so clear now, that it almost made Avi scared. He reminded her so much of the anger that Tino had once expressed to her in the games.

"No." She answered, looking up to meet his eyes, she now radiated a sense of power that fought against Treech's anger, it rallied something new between them, "Leer killed himself."

Treech wasnt expecting her response, and his hands dropped away from the bars, he had once began to grip, "oh."

"He just couldn't take it anymore." Avi explained, "the game, everything. He just wanted to go home— There was only a handfull of us left, and he just snapped."

"If he wanted to go home, why would he give up like that?" Treech couldnt wrap his head around the thought, Leer had gotten so far in the games, just to let it all go to waste.

"He wanted me to go home, Tino too." Avi swallowed harshly, she seemed like she was holding something back, and Treech couldn't quite understand it. "The three of them had given up, long before the games had even started."

"Tino and Leer?" That had only made two.

"And Aretmi." She concluded, "hes from district two."

"You said they saved your life?" Treech tried to make sense of everything she had told him, putting the peices together.

Avi sighed, "We didnt get food and water in the arena, like you guys did. Aretmi and Tino had managed to sneak a few scraps, and water in they're jacket pockets, from the zoo. They had kept me from starving more times than I could remember." Avi listed. "when the kids from district one, had tried to kill me— they almost had too, Tino came and smashed a brick over the boy's head, and dragged me into the stands with him. They had only managed to give me this." She pointes down to her scarred leg, it was the one that she was always limpimg on, obviously it hadnt been treated correctly. "But it almost killed me, if Tino hadnt been there."

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