3: more than that ♡

151 10 58

warning: mature content

ran opened his car door, and you carefully got off his lap and stepped out onto the sidewalk. you pulled your dress down to cover your ass as he got out of the car too, giving you a smile.

"after you." he gestured, and you took him by the hand and led him to your building.

the chilly night air didn't zap the hot and heavy energy between you. you could still cut the tension between you with a knife, and your grip on each other's hands was tight as you quickly entered your apartment building.

thankfully, no one was in the lobby and you managed to take the elevator alone up to your floor.

"this is a pretty nice place." he said, standing next to you in the elevator. he still hadn't let go of your hand. "and you're still a student? i'm impressed."

"i study hospitality management, so i have a couple connections." you mentioned, licking your lips as you glanced from the ticking floor numbers over at ran.

"that's a perfect career for you. you'll have plenty of good opportunities." ran commented.

the corners of your mouth lifted into a small smile, and you prepared to say something back when the elevator dinged to let you know you arrived to your floor.

you dug your keys out of your purse while you walked out of the elevator and towards your apartment door, made even more challenging because you didn't want to stop holding hands. somehow you still managed to get them out and unlocked your apartment door, feeling his presence lightly pressed against your back.

you looked over your shoulder and gave him a sultry look before opening the door to your apartment. you hadn't really planned on bringing him back here, but luckily you had just cleaned up the previous day.

"do you want a drink?" you asked, bending over to take off your heels as he untied the laces to his dress shoes.

"i do. i'll have what you're having." he answered.

you nodded, walking over to your bar cart and grabbing two antique liquor glasses you thrifted. deciding to use your fancy alcohol, you twisted the cap off and poured a cup of dark liquor for each of you.

when you faced ran again, you saw him looking around your apartment with curiosity. his hands were in his pockets as he leaned down to study the photos on your desk.

he stared at the picture of you and emma on her couch, your arms wrapped around each other with beaming smiles to the camera. the other pictures were with people he didn't know, but ran could see the happiness on your face in each one.

cute, he thought with an absentminded smile.

"you can pick it up and look at it you know." you said, interrupting his thoughts.

he let out a chuckle.

"that's okay. i can see just fine from here." he said smoothly, and you shot him a doubtful look that he didn't catch.

ran took one last glance at the pictures and turned to you to accept his drink. he thanked you and took a sip, impressed but not terribly surprised it wasn't the cheap shit they would upsell at his clubs.

"did you want to sit down for a second?" you nodded towards your couch.

"i would love to." he agreed.

you decided to sit at one end of the couch, giving him some space if he wanted it. but ran still chose to sit down right next to you, the side of his body brushing against yours. you could smell his cologne clearly again, an enticing mix of saffron, sandalwood, and vanilla.

glad you came | ran haitani x readerWhere stories live. Discover now