part ten: sisters

Start from the beginning

I quietly crept into mine and Jackie's room, shutting the door as silently as possible. I let out a deep breath, smiling to myself as I held the perfectly safe cake in my hands.

When I turned though, I nearly dropped it.

"AHH!" I screamed, seeing a pair of legs sticking out form underneath my bed. There was a loud thump.

"Ow!" the person started to shimmy themselves out from under the bed, and soon Isaac appeared, laying on his stomach.

"Isaac, what the hell are you doing in here?" I put my hand on my hip, "And why are you under my bed?"

"I was looking for money." he said, rolling over onto his back and rubbing the back of his head. His eyes then looked me up and down and landed on the box in my hand, "Is that a cake form Zeedee's?"

I quickly pulled the box closer to my chest and put a protective arm over it, "Yes, it is — and it's not for you!"

His face dropped as he pouted.

"Dude, why do you even need the money and why are you looking for it under my bed?"

He sighed, "I really want to buy this pair of shoes but I spent my last bit of allowance money and I just need, like, ten more bucks."

"Why don't you just ask Lee or someone to lend you some?"

At this, he looked up at me as if I had two heads, "Do you not understand how allowance works, Converse?"

"Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure I do."

"Really? So you know that everyone gets paid the same amount each week and it's only for them to use. No one willingly lets someone else take theirs."

"Well why not? Just pay them back when you're done. It's like a business deal." I shrugged.

"I don't know if you've noticed, babe, but we're a bunch of kids living on a farm. Our business deals only consist of food offerings."

He sighed, shaking his head as if I were the one that was acting ridiculous. He then looked under the bed again to grab something.

"So, I thought the next best place to look for money was the New Yorkers." he sighed, pulling out a box, "But instead, I found this."

My eyes widened at the box and I quickly placed the cake on the dresser and went down on my knees to snatch the box from him.

"Don't touch that." I said, pulling the box to me. He furrowed his eyebrows, reaching forward and pulling the box back.

"Why not? Are they sex toys?"

"What the — No, Isaac, just give it back." I said, pulling the box back to me.

"No, I wanna see it." he huffed, pulling the box to his lap.

"Dude, it's mine-" I went to grab the box again but he turned away, his back to me. I heard him opening the box and I quickly dove forward. My arms wound around his neck and I reached for him.

One of his hands swatted at mine, while the other one still continued to rip open the top of the box.

"Converse, get off of me." he whined, trying to grab hold of my hands.

"Give me my box back."

Then, before I could react, he had completely dropped the box and both of his hands reached behind to grab my waist. With a yell from me, he hoisted me over his shoulder and threw me onto the bed.

And just before I could sit back up, I felt a heavy weight land on my back, pinning me down.

I quickly blew the hair out of my face and looked at him over my shoulder. He sat beside me with his legs over my back and one hand held both of my hands pinned behind my back.

me and you - isaac garciaWhere stories live. Discover now