The tragedy.

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Vernias POV:

'Ok, I can do this. Eeviee and Nick are my biggest threats right now since they have the most stars. I can get to the boo and hit ether Eeviee or Nick with a steel star, I can't go for Brent since he has no stars.'

Nick: "Take your time Vern, Take your time."
Vern: "shut up, Nick!"
Brent and Eeviee started laughing
Eeviee: "Nick you shouldn't make him mad when he is close to the Boo!"
Nick: "oh shit- WAIT VERNIAS I WAS KIDDING!!!"
Vern: "wow look who's talking!"
Nick: " Vern listen, we can team on Eeviee"
Eeviee: "WHAT WHY ME-"
Nick: "shhhhhh! Vern listen!-"
Eeviee: "no steal from Nick man!"
Nick: "SHUT UP!!!"

Vern slams his PC, when suddenly an explosion erupted from the PC, he disconnected suddenly

Nick POV:

Nick: "uhh an explosion happened in the house, I'm gonna log off and check on him, ok fellas?"
Eeviee: "it doesn't sound so serious, Nick.. but sure you can go off if you wanna."
Brent: "works for me!"

They all log off

'Is Carnig okay? He isn't responding.. is this a joke?! It's so hot in the area.. wait.. he's been telling me his PC was a bit faulty- no..'

Nick opens the door to Vern's room and it was bursting into flames, a hand was reaching outside the door, a burnt and desperate hand.


Immediately Nick ran downstairs and called 911, he grabbed his belongings and went outside and watched as the firefighters arrived, that's when he realized, Carnig was still in there!

Nick: "sir, my friend is in there! Please save him! He is in the room to the left!"

The firefighter looks at Nick, frowning

Chief: "I'm sorry, we already escorted your friend out, but.. he's burnt to a crisp.. he's already.."

"He's already dead."

To be continued.

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