" Okay then well I am going to go shower and we can go eat somewhere for breakfast" I said getting up of the bed. 

" I coming with you just incase the contractions start" Chris said following me into the bathroom. 

" Sir if you just want to look at this booty back here that's all you got to say" I said cupping my checks. 

" Sierra I am not on that type of time man get in the shower" He said taking of his cloths. 

" Fine then" I said getting in the shower. I felt a hard slap on my butt and turned around and saw Chris laughing. 

" Since you think everything funny no cutty for you for 3 months instead of the 6 weeks" I said and started washing my body. 

" We both know that's not going to happen" Chris said helping was my back for me. 

" Wanna bet that" I said turning around and washing his chest. " Yea" Chris said looking down at me he licked his lips which made me blush. 

" Don't look at me like that" I said and continued to wash my body. 

" Like what" Chris said. " You looking at me with them sexy eyes of yours" I said rinsing off. 

" What you don't want me to look at you then" Chris said hanging his rag back up. 

" Chris you know what you are doing" I said getting out of the shower and drying off. 

" And what's that" Chris said turning off the water and getting out. 

" Babe stop you know I want some but I can't" I said bending down to pick up my ChapStick I dropped last night. 

" I am not" Chris said then he humped my booty. " Stop baby" I said getting back up. 

" That's so wrong of you" I said hitting his chest. 

" Keep on Sierra and I will help make that baby come out" Chris said kissing me. 

1:25 pm

" Can you help my put on my foam runners" I said because bending down is no longer an option. 

" sure" He said bending down and putting them on for me. "Hi baby boy I can't wait to meet you soon" Chris said and kissed my belly. 

" Okay you ready to go" I said. " Yeah but you ain't" Chris said looking at me. 

" What wrong with what I have on" I said. 

" Sierra look at your body you have on sweats and a long sleeve. We are not in Miami where you can get away with this we are in London it is 29 degrees outside." Chris said. 

" I will put on a jacket" I said then. " No put on the jacket and my varsity jacket as well" Chris said. 

" That won't match with my foam runners" I said. 

" Then change shoes put on them ugs I got you for Christmas then" Chris said. 

" I love the way you think" I said slipping on them. 

And yes I have socks on I am not a monster. 

" Mamas we got to go now" Chris said as I was still putting makeup on. 

" Okay okay I am done let's go" I said. 

4 pm 

" That food from the cafe today hit" I said as we got back into the car. 

" Yeah today whoever was back there knew what they were doing" Chris said and sped off. 

" I wanna listen to the project if that's okay with you" I said. 

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