Isagi the homewrecker 🤪

222 2 11

Otoya: anyone wanna tell me wtf i just read

Chigiri: no

Hiori: no

Bachira: no 🐝

Kurona: no no 🦈

Karasu: its okay bro im confused too

Otoya: i guess well be confused together 

Kaiser: @Ness 

Isagi: oh look who finally showed up

Ness: OvO whats this?

Kaiser: A groupchat dumbass.

Kaiser: Back read.

Ness: ...

Ness: wtf

Isagi: anything you two wanna say to us

Kaiser: Shut the fuck up Yoichi.

Isagi: hey im not the one sucking my lackeys dick in the br

Isagi: and stop calling me yoichi

Kaiser: I'll call you whatever I want.

Kaiser: Besides it's not my fault Alexis is an exhibitionist.

Ness: Kaiser...

Kaiser: Yes?

Ness: nothing

Isagi: i hate gay people

Isagi: especially kinky ones

Shidou: what i ever do to yuo 😔

Isagi: i wasnt talking about you

Isagi: but i hate you too

Chigiri: of course slursagi hates gay people

Chigiri: homophobic ass smh  

Isagi: i hope you break your other knee

Reo: don't say that to my baby chigiri

Chigiri: thank you reo my love

Nagi: Reo...

Reo: we're joking treasure, relax

Nagi: oh

Nagi: ok

Isagi: 🤢🤮

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