Part 9 - Nights out and chaos

Start from the beginning

The girl leaned next to Lexi. "Isn't he somethin?" She said Lexi chuckled annoyed. "He sure is." She replied. 

"Why don't you ask him out." One of the girl's friends asked her. "I'll ask him next time." She replied giggling. "Ask him what?" One of the girls asked. Another replied. "Nicole has a huge crush on Mr Silver!"  

Oh! Just great, Lexi thought to herself. 

"Oh, I wouldn't get ahead of yourself. Mr Silver brought a date tonight." One of the girls said. One of the girls stepped aside revealing Lexi standing there. "You!" One of the girls asked laughing.  

Store your anger, a voice said in her head. You know what. Fuck it! The voice said reappearing. These trampy girls can't make fun of her and think they can get away with it. "Hey Jennifer. I think you should shut your gob of a mouth before I make your other tooth wonky." I said before the people around us all turned silent looking at each other, not knowing how to react to this. 

"Get her Jen!" The girls called. She took a few steps forward. "Listen kid, you don't want to mess with me. I don't have time or the storybooks for you, you have no idea who you messing with." Lexi laughed as she too, stepped forwards. "Is that so?" She questioned her with a smirk on her face. Jennifer tried to keep a straight face. Not wanting to show weakness. 

"Go on then. hit me. I dare you." Lexi stated. 

"You asked for it." Jennifer said with a smirk on her face. Throwing her fist straight for Lexis face. 

Lexi caught the punch mid-air, a smirk formed on Lexi's face as the girls gasped. "Nice try, but I think your the ones who don't know who you are messing with." Lexi says as she twisted her arm around. followed by kicking her into her group of friends, knocking the group of girls down. One of them hit a stack of plates to the ground making an explosion of noise. Terry looked up from the piano, as he set his eyes on Lexi, in the middle of it all. He stood there wondering if he should stop Lexi or just watch.  

One of the girls come flying towards Lexi. Ready to fight but she stood no chance. Lexi blocked all her attempts. The other girls all finally arose from the floor. Jennifer and the rest of the girls came over to Lexi. Jennifer had a red hot face with her nostrils flared. "You're dead!" She muttered. 

And with that, Lexi did a roundhouse kick to Jennifer. With high heels.  

Terry just stood there. His mouth dropped open, he never realised how good Lexi actually was at karate. He knew she trained with Daniel but she was much better that him. She was a whole other level. He saw Jennifer on the floor. To what looks like her jaw dislocated. He ran back to the table to get there thing before running over to Lexi and grabbing her hand. 

"Let's get outta here." He shouted.  

"Yeah I did something really bad." Lexi replied. 

"Yeah I saw, lets go!" He said as they ran past the group of swarming girls and out onto the street. 

It had started to rain again and of course Terry forgot the umbrella. Lexi's dress already soaked. Splashing through puddles making there legs soaked with rainwater. The girls came flying out the door after us. 

"Sorry if you liked those girls, they were pissing me off!" Lexi yelled at Terry as they ran down the street. hand in hand, absolutely soaked.  

"Of course I didn't like them. They were so bitchy, Are you hurt?" He asked Lexi. He always cared that she was okay, no matter what the situation was. Lexi laughed "They didn't even land a hit on me!" Lexi said proudly as she looked behind her, to see that they were still after us. Whiles she looked behind her, she tripped in a pothole twisting her ankle. Of course she did this. She absolutely hated high heels. She would've feel over if Terry hadn't caught her first .

"Oww. My ankle." Lexi yelled in pain. "Climb on." He yelled as he pulled Lexi onto his back, giving her a piggyback. She laughed as she wrapped her hands around his neck and shoulders. The car was so much further that we remembered, as the girls was gaining on them.  

There it is! The parking lot!  

Terry quickly but softly placed Lexi in the passenger seat before getting into the car. He locked the doors as they panted. They started hysterically laughing as the girls banged on the windows.  

Jennifer banged her hands against the window. Black mascara drooling down her face. Lexi scooted closer to Terry. "Am I going to be in trouble. Do you think?" Lexi asked Terry. He tied his hair back into a ponytail and started the truck making the girls back away. "Don't worry about it. I will take care of it my love." Terry stated as he pulled Lexi closer to him. She leaned her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. He smiled and kissed the top of her head. He took a deep breath before finally talking. 

"I love you Lexi" 

Suddenly she turned to face him. Terry was worried what she was going to say.  

Get yourself together. Terry thought to himself. 

Lexi made her usual smile that always infected to Terry making him smile. They touched foreheads rubbing noses.  

"I love you too Terry."  

Lexi said making cartwheels go round Terry's stomach. He smiled as there mouths connected. Making a show for the girls.  

Lexi leaned back, closing her eyes. She will forever remember this night. The night they confessed there love for each other. 

Lexi leaned her head against the window as they drove. The pretty scenery of the city. The neon lights and the bustling restaurants. 

On the other hand, Terry was thinking forwards. Realising this was still a plan. All he wanted to do was spoil Lexi. Give her everything she deserved. He wanted to tell John that he's out. But he is to far in. The plan was already in motion. But he promised himself after the tournament, he is going to tell her the truth and give her the world. 

He looked over to Lexi as she looked out the window. He admired her. She was perfect, Terry loved her and that was the truth. He smiled at her before looking back to the road as they drove into the distance. 


Hey guys hope you liked this chapter. Defiantly my fav one so far. Sorry I have not posted recently since I have been away. Who knows what will happen next? Enjoy! 

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