Cleaning as training?

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Y/N is walking around Musutafu, after he and Iori went shopping for food and Iori paid for Y/N's new clothes. Y/N told Iori to drive the stuff back already, he wanted to look a bit at the new surroundings. And there was a beach he wanted to look at, a place his parents had once talked about. A place where they had their first, or was is second date? Y/N can't remember it clearly but that isn't important, important is that this place meant something to his parents. But as he arrives at the beach he finds something he didn't think he would... The mass of trash wasn't too surprising considering how effectively humanity is drowning the world in their own filth, more surprising was a free haired boy in his age running around trying to clean up the beach. Watched by an older blonde very thin man... Should Y/N call the police? Y/N watches them for a while until he walks down on the beach to them to ask them what exactly this is supposed to be. If they are cleaning the beach... Why is the old man just watching?

"Come on young Midorya you can do it!" The man shouts to the boy

"Eh, I'm sorry... I just have to ask... What the hell are you doing?" Y/N asks the man

"Mh? Oh hello there young man! My friend Izuku Midorya over here wants to become a hero, so I'm helping him train!" He announces

"Training by cleaning the beach?... Wouldn't a gym do the trick too?" Y/N asks

"Well this way we also do something good and get the trash where it belongs!" The man exclaims taking a proud pose

"You are aware that a high bunch of trash gets sold of by the country to developing countries only for them to throw it in the ocean again, are you?" Y/N asks

"Well... Eh... I..." The mans pose falters

"To really do something good, you'd need to change the problem at the source. You would need a treaty that forces all countries to get rid of their trash correctly or find a good way to storage it... This way you'll just have it back here in a few years." Y/N tells him

The green haired boy comes running to them completely out of breath.

"Hey All-... Toshinori, who... Who is this?" He asks

"Well young Midorya this is... This is... Eh... You didn't tell me your name young man did you?" The man asks

"No. My name is L/N Y/N!" Y/N announces bowing down dramatically

"Nice to meet you L/N... I'm Izuku Midorya!" Midorya introduces himself

A moment of silence in which Midorya stares at Y/N.

"Eh... Is something?" Y/N asks

"Oh I was just looking at all these scars you have! I'm sorry I didn't want to inconvenience you or make you feel bad or anything. Sorry really I-..." Midorya starts to ramble

"Hey hey! It's alright don't yabble my ear off! Nothing big about the scars got them from my quirk when it awakened." Y/N tells him

Immediately Midoryas eyes start to sparkle.

"Your quirk! Can you tell me what it is!?" He asks

"Eh... Sure!" Y/N tells him

"Well you see, my quirk is called 'idle transfiguration'. It allows me to transform my body, but only to certain extents. But I can broaden how far I can go by exceeding my limits but by bit everytime! The smallest thing I can do at the moment is a hawk. And the largest... Oh! I got close to a small adult elefant ones!" Y/N says

"Woah!" Midorya fanboys

"But I can also do smaller things, I can transform my arms into weapons, I can transfigure wings on my back. Or I can do this!" Y/N shouts shooting his arms forward gripping a large fridge with them and seemingly with ease pull it towards him.

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