"Don't worry, he does that with everyone" A new voice exclaimed, as the Doctor's head snapped up to find a nurse approaching his bed.

Her long brunette hair was pulled up into a ponytail, coming loose after a long shift, mascara smudging around the edges of her eyes. She had strong features, dark blue eyes, with just a hint of green mixed in. The Doctor's gaze was pulled to the long cut that covered her left cheek; the scar was white but still showing despite the makeup on her face. She had a smile on her lips, one which the Doctor noted didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Ah, and here I thought I was just special" The Doctor murmured, earning a snort from the nurse.

"You better hope you're not, or he'll show you his fingerpainting" The nurse stated.

"Fingerpainting?" The Doctor frowned, turning back to the patient who had stuck his hands into his cottage pie and was using the food to draw on his table.

"The joys of working in the NHS" The nurse stated, as she walked over to the patient, grabbing a nearby napkin and started cleaning his fingers.

"David, use your spoon" The nurse insisted, giving the patient the cutlery to hold.

The patient looked at the spoon with confusion for a few moments, before reaching up to bop her on the nose with the spoon. The Doctor had noticed how all the nurses had seemed to avoid the patient, especially at mealtimes. All except the nurse in front of him, who snorted in amusement at the patient's antics.

"Now, David, the thing is, I can't have my dinner until you've had yours. And I'm getting real hungry. Do you think you could do me a favour and at least have some of your pudding?" The nurse went on, grabbing the ice cream on his tray, as he nodded.

"Where's my mum? She's usually here by now" The man stated, as the nurse gave him a sad smile, noting the man had to be almost seventy himself.

"She's just running a bit late tonight. Come on, eat now. She'll be happy to see you've eaten" The nurse said, as the man picked up his spoon and began to eat the ice cream, somewhat reluctantly.

The nurse then turned back to the Doctor, scanning through his bedside notes, frowning when she came across the second page. The Doctor was a little taken aback when she came to sit on the foot of the bed, raising an eyebrow at him.

"You've been here two days and you haven't let us take any bloods?" The nurse asked, as the Doctor shrugged.

"I've got a thing about needles" He lied, as her eyes narrowed.

"What, scared?" She said, in a teasing tone.

"Well, I have heard about some strange going Ons in this ward. You seen anything weird?" The Doctor inquired.

The nurse then looked around the ward, as if checking to see if anyone was watching them and leaned in closer. A moment later, she raised a finger to poke him in the chest, an unimpressed look on her features.

"Apart from my patient clearly trying to hide his identity?" The nurse suggested, as it was the Doctor's turn to frown.

"Excuse me?" He replied.

"C'mon, John Smith? Seriously? What's your real name?" She pushed, curiously.

"The Doctor" He answered, as the nurse burst into laughter.

"Well, that's a new one. You know, you're a little strange" The nurse scoffed.

"So, are you, Nurse..." The Doctor trailed off, reaching out to touch her name band, running his finger over the writing.

"Katy. Lovely name. I thought about being a Katy once. Not sure if it suited me" The Doctor ranted, grinning from ear to ear.

His smile faltered when Katy reached out to touch his cheek, his cold fingertips causing him to go still. They sat there for a few moments, blue eyes boring into brown, until Katy pulled out her pen torch and began shining it into his eyes. The Doctor blinked a few times, still hyperaware of his hand against his cheek.

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