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Name:John Doe

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John Doe

Short description:
John Doe is the titular main antagonist of the indie horror visual-novel

Long description:
John Doe is the titular main antagonist of the indie horror visual-novel game of the same name {including the updated version John Doe .

John Doe is the titular main antagonist of the indie horror visual-novel game of the same name {including the updated version John Doe +}.

He's a Regular Guy {the name of his species} who falls in love with You, the protagonist. Determined to find true love at any cost, he tries desperately to convince You that they're meant to be while forcing them both to repeat the same day over and over again.

John Doe is somewhere between the age of 20 and 40 {due to this being a "dating simulator" in a way}, he weighs 112 lbs and he's around 5'8 tall. Identifying as bisexual and fluid-nonbinary, allowing him to be referred by any pronouns. John's body possesses no organs, though he has the ability to create them if he desires to. The colour of his grim, yellow teeth and black nails are natural to his form. His hair is always curly, it's prehensile too and can move on its own. Depending on John's emotional mood, the red design on his shirt changes to match it[1].

John has long black curly hair outlined with bright red, though this can also be seen as hair streaks {which hasn't been confirmed by the creator themselves}. He has large eyes with a yellowish hue to them, with his pupils being able to dilate to extreme extents when he's excited, in love and/or truly happy. He's got Caucasian {or white, for those who don't know} skin, four fingers on his hands and three toes on his feet. His arms are covered in scars, but they're not from "being sad", as the reference sheet calls it, they're actually a kink/reminder. He has teeth more than that of a typical human. A long, bright red tongue that looks like it's in the shape of a heart when his mouth is open[1]. John wears a short sleeve, grey t-shirt with a red design that's always changing. He also wears long, dark brown trousers with a pair of pointed black shoes. He always wears a black hoodie that he drapes around his arms rather than wearing it standardly, all because he doesn't know how to wear a hoodie properly.

As stated above, John wears a grey t-shirt that's constantly changing the red design painted on it. The design typically depends on how John feels in that moment. For example, the shirt will display a scrawled on smiley face if he's happy or a bleeding heart if he's in love. John is known to have reality warping and shape-shifting abilities, which may be the reason for its constant changing. Another explanation for this constantly changing design is that he paints them on, which seen in a piece of official art[2].

John possesses a creepy aesthetic about himself. At many points in the game, parts of John become hyper realistic in an uncanny, disturbing and uncomfortable manner. John's demeanour, at least for most endings, gives off an uneasy vibe, such as his undeniable want to go to the You's house, jumping out and scaring You, and sneaking into You's apartment unannounced. Many of his normal physical characteristics match this aesthetic as well, much of his natural appearance being what most would consider to be unkempt or horrid.

John Doe is extremely obsessive and determined to win over You's heart, to the point where he won't accept rejection as an option. John has a peculiar and morbid way of demonstrating his desire, as seen when he stabs You and kisses their blood-soaked face in the second ending. John is determined to never leave You's side, insisting that he'll stay with them forever. Although he puts the protagonist in an inescapable situation, he does put effort into trying to make You feel as comfortable as he can, going so far as to normalize after learning more about them through past loops. John's need for a companion seems to go beyond just wanting to have a romantic relationship, as seen during the meltdown he had in the 6th ending when he was finally rejected. In other words, this bitch lonely and he knows he's trapped inside of a dating simulator.

John is implied to be a very messy person. When first bringing You to his home, You remarks on the foul stench. Although the bedroom appears distorted, trash can be made out to have been littered all over his bed and throughout his other rooms. John was said to have a general distaste for baths, further implying that he has a dislike for keeping things, including himself, tidy. This is actually proved in canon {by the creator themselves} that the reason he hates baths/showers so much is all because he will literally melt if he had one. John's feelings can be altered depending on You's hygienic state; liking them already if they showered but with an increased fondness if they didn't.

Other than what's presented in the game, John Doe was said to have a liking for "You", television, static, baby rats, teeth {his favourite food}, and eyes {acknowledging the cuts on his body, it's hard to see but you can see cuts slightly above his t-shirt on his chest in the sprite as well}. His dislikes include baths, being alone, under stimulation, "You" ignoring him and "that guy". Which could be a reference to House Hunted, the prequel of John Doe[3].

John has a handful of abilities that haven't fully been elaborated on. He has the ability to warp reality, making it appear messy and distorted. He also has the ability to warp aspects of his physical being in order to match the desires of the protagonist.

Reality-Warping- John has the ability to distort You's visual perspective of the world around them; making it look grotesque and unnatural but also seemingly normal as well. Though the grotesque part could just be Uncanny Valley's look in general.
Time-Control- John has the ability to make time loop, as seen when he makes You repeat the same day over and over while trying to manipulate them into loving him.
Prehensile Hair- John's hair is able to move all on its own.
Shapeshifting- John demonstrated his ability to change his physical form, as seen when he transformed into a more naturalized version of himself.
Psychokinesis- It was shown multiple times that the protagonist blurted out responses to both internal and verbal responses that were in John's favour, such as when they said "YES I DO" in response to their question of whether or not they found John attractive in ending 4.

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