Hyejin had lost her grandparents years ago when she was still young, she could barely even remember how they looked like. They both died due to car crash when they were driving home after grandpa's checkup at the hospital. She remembered how her mother fainted once she heard of the news, and how her father was there the whole time by her mother's side. He was the one who cooked everything as mother fell in a shocked state, she could barely do anything by herself. Hyejin was too young to understand the whole thing, and her younger brother, Yujin was still a baby at that time.

The young Hyejin was always curious and asked her dad where her grandparents went to. Her dad would answer with a small smile, saying that they're in a better place now. Eventually, her mother came to accept the devastating news and finally let go of the past. She returned with a healthier body and mind, ready to live normally wih her beloved family.

Hyejin found the job at the bookstore when she turned 17. Her parents felt skeptical at first to let her work, but she told them she wanted to be independent and secure money for the future. They eventually agreed to let her work. At first, Hyejin was afraid of Ms.Yang due to her serious look and intimidating voice. The fear soon faded as she realized how kind and thoughtful Ms.Yang was, and she came to love the women just like her own family member. To her, Ms.Yang's personality never failed to remind her of her deceased grandmother. Now, Hyejin thinks of Ms.Yang as her own grandma, and she was sure that the old lady felt the same way too.

The promotion lasted a whole week, and it was finally the last day of the sale. The bookshelves were almost empty, with only a few workbooks remaining. Thankfully, Ms.Yang had ordered a bunch of new stocks beforehand. The goods are said to arrive later that day, giving them time to clean up the place.

Both Jungwon and Hyejin worked diligently, running back and forth to serve the customers. Their hard work was paid off once they finally got their paycheck.

"Here you go, I'm aware that the whole week was probably tiring for you guys but thank you for helping me" Ms. Yang looked at both of them before giving out their paychecks. It was still early of the month but the old lady was always generous towards her workers. Hyejin beamed happily as her eyes widened when Ms.Yang handed her the money, she could finally save up extra cash for her dream college!

Hyejin has always been an excellent student. Despite growing up in a family that had been struggling financially for years, she managed to enter her dream high school due to her grades. Now, the young girl is planning to enroll in one of the most top-notch college to further her studies in art major.

Her teachers knew how great of a student Hyejin was, so they would always ask her about her choices. They kept on questioning her interest towards art, saying that she could do better if she were to further her studies in another major like science, engineering, etc. The girl, however, ignored all the criticism and focus to achieve her goals.

In the past, her parents brought her to an art museum on her 10th birthday. The young Hyejin was bored at first, as she ran back and forth around the building to ease her boredom. She stopped on her track as her gaze fell on a massive painting, the one which everyone knows, The Mona Lisa painting. Her eyes glistened in curiosity. How can a painting looks real? She had so many questions as she slowly walked around the hall, observing the other paintings that were put up for display. Since then, her parents would always bring her there during her birthdays. This is where her interest in art quickly grew.

Undoubtedly, Wonhee plays a huge role in Hyejin's life. Without her best friend, she wouldn't have figured out her massive love towards art. Wonhee has always been there to encourage Hyejin, saying that she would always support the girl no matter what she chooses to be. This became one of the sparks that led Hyejin to where she is now.

Hyejin told her parents about her dream college, they felt happy at first but soon denied her request. The only reason being was the huge amount of money needed to enter the college. Her parents felt really bad since they couldn't afford to let her enter the school as they offered another initiative. However Hyejin, being the hardworking girl she is, told her parents that she would find a job to gain her own money. She had never once regretted working at a young age, for she was able to ease her parent's burdens.

 She had never once regretted working at a young age, for she was able to ease her parent's burdens

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end of chapter 4


s: too many backstory this time, ik and i apologize for that 😔🙏🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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