Oh... I See...

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Emma knocked on Norman's door excitedly

"Norman! Are you in there?" Emma called out

"Yeah, why?" Norman called back. Emma scanned the keycard and ran in

"C'mon! Let's go!" Emma eagerly tugged him up and pulled him along with her

"Woah! Calm down! What's happening?" Norman asked as he ran to keep up with Emma

"We're going outside!" Emma exclaimed

"Wh-wha!?" Norman gasped. The duo slowed down and re-entered the room where Peter was, who was subtly giving Norman a dirty look

"Well, then, shall we go?" Peter asked

"Yes, father" Emma tone shifted. Norman looked at her in a confused way, since her attitude went from childlike excitement to adult maturity, making him wonder how many times she has had to do this, how quickly she had to grow up. Before he could wonder any more, Emma snapped him out of his thoughts by grabbing his hand and walking behind her father.

"How thrilling, my first time outside... Are you excited, Norman?" Emma asked in the professional tone she usually used for when she spoke around her father

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm excited" Norman replied confusedly, giving Emma a weird look. Noticing this, Emma shot him a look that told him to play along with it


They all sat in the car in uncomfortable silence for three hours until Emma broke the ice

"So.. Where are we going, father?" Emma asked awkwardly

"That's a surprise, Emma. Just be patient" Peter responded

"Of course, father" she complied politely, making the silence even heavier than before. So, for the next hour, it was very quiet in the backseat until they got to their destination. As soon as the car engine stopped, they all exited the vehicle. The place they were in was unfamiliar to Emma. It looked like a tunnel system but it was clearly above ground, with barred gates being the only source of light in the cold dampness. She turned to Norman confusedly and saw a look of shock and confusion

"Father, where are we?" Emma asked

"Well, Emma, I thought it'd be good for you to interact with children your age who you aren't meant to torture, so, I brought you here" Peter began "to Gracefield House"

"Gracefield? Wait, then that means..." Emma looked to the boy beside her and smiled "welcome home, Norman" she whispered. They approached the gate and were greeted by the mother of the farm they were visiting. Isabella

"Welcome back, Peter, Norman" Isabella welcomed and turned to Emma "and nice to finally meet you, Emma"

"Its nice to meet you too, Isabella" Emma replied. The gates opened up and all four people walk into the farm's domain

"The children are excited to have visitors for once" Isabella said "they'll be glad to see you Norman"

"Yeah.. I guessed" Norman scoffed bitterly. They finally got to the doors of Gracefield House and entered the farm. Most of the children were gathered in the hallway near the door to see who their visitors were

"Children. I'd like you to meet our guests" Isabella introduced and stepped to the side to reveal the three people standing in the doorway and, by the way they all gasped and looked, you woulda thought they saw a ghost

"N- Norman..?" A girl with green short hair and circular glasses stepped forward

"Its nice to see you all again" Norman smiled. As soon as he finished his sentence, he was mobbed by all the kids welcoming him back, tackling him to the ground

"Ah- Norman! Are you okay?" Emma knelt down and checked on the boy on the floor. The kid finally noticed her and it took, like, a whole ass minute to comprehend that a girl came with Norman. Emma sat there, making unbroken eye contact with the other kids before they all pulled her into their group hug too, a little too tight

"ACK-" Emma choked out of surprise than pain if we're being honest

"I can't believe you brought someone from outside!" The green haired girl exclaimed

"Wait. Where's Ray?" Norman asked, looking around

"Who's Ray?" Emma quietly thought aloud

"He's in the forest" the girl replied. Norman gently took Emma's hand and lead her to the backdoor, getting the other kids' attention even more. They got out the door and wandered into the forest and they saw a boy with hair as black as midnight covered his eye and dark forest green eyes

"Ray.." Norman gasped. The boy looked up and saw Norman

"Norman..!?" Ray exclaimed. Norman let go of Emma's hand, walked up to Ray calmly and immediately got bitch slapped by the other boy

"Norman!" Emma rushed up to the albino and checked on him


"How rude, retaliating before even saying hello" Norman gently sighed "typical you, I guess"

"Jesus Christ, Norman, you're insane" Ray scoffed. Getting a closer look at Ray, Emma noticed he had a cast on his right leg and accidentally made eye contact with him

"... Wait..." Ray murmured

"I'm Emma" she introduced, giving him a slight curtsy 

"Come here, let me see your neck" Ray said

"Ray, what?" Norman asked confusedly

"Uhh, okay..?" Emma bent down and moved her necklace, revealing her neck. Ray turned her head to the side and inspected her neck, from her throat to the nape

"I think I know who you are..." Ray whispered

"What do you mean?" Emma asked

"You have a Gracefield ID" Ray announced "or, more accurately, had"

"... Huh?" Emma looked at the boy sitting in front of her in complete disbelief

"You had an ID on your neck like the rest of us. It was removed" Ray explained. She brought her hand up to her neck and rubbed it slightly. Emma knelt down to the ground with a thud, her heartbeat sped up to an impossible pace as Norman stared at her in shock and terror. The pale boy rushed up to her and attempted to calm the ginger haired girl down but failing to do so. She wanted to scream but her throat was hoarse and felt like it was swollen. The girl felt a way more extreme feeling of anxiety rush over her and it crashed down on her like every rock on earth was fused and thrown on top of her. The world around her seemed to warp and deform and the ringing in her ears got more intense, but she could hear Norman calling out her name in the distance. She curled up on the ground as Norman comforted her the best he could

 She curled up on the ground as Norman comforted her the best he could

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The Girl as Perfect as Porcelain {Emma Ratri AU}Where stories live. Discover now